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The Founders’ fear of federal debt
By Chuck Bentley Washington Times (7-4-2013) George Washington would roll over in his grave—bumping into his fellow Founding Fathers—if...
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Ask Chuck
Ask Chuck: Trade School vs Bachelor’s Degree
Dear Chuck, My wife and I are committed to financially helping our children get college degrees. We’ve graduated two...
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what does the bible say about investing
What Does the Bible Say About Investing?
Christians should invest, not simply to accumulate wealth for their own sake, but to increase their effectiveness for God’s...
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Spotlight: Crown Español
Frank Gonzalez is the Managing Director of Crown Español, which aims to be the leading Spanish biblical ministry in...
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Blog Post
GIF Godly Inheritance
“Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old he will not depart...
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10 Budget-Friendly Summer Activities Your Kids Will Love
Congratulations! You have made it through your first full week of (official) summer. For many of you, your kids have...
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Blog Post
GIF Godly Inheritance
“Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old he will not depart from...
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How Pastors Can Train Their Congregations to Be Good Stewards
Many sermons and teaching lessons that pastors present to their congregations do not apply to everyone. For example, lessons...
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Crownnewsletteremail Images July 2023 Copy 02
Transforming Communities in Venezuela
We sent Luis Rea and his wife, Dena, to Malawi in 2019 to be trained at our Stewardship Center...
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Our Newest Partners in Burundi are Saying “Goodbye to Hunger!”
Join with us in celebrating one of our newest Crown Stewardship Centers in Burundi, Hope for Tomorrow. Founder, Donna...
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