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Frugal Baby Prep
Do you want a family, but worried you won’t be able to afford it? The Bible says: “Children are...
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Fruits of the Spirit: Patience
It’s been said that “Money grows on the tree of patience.” That’s a pretty good visual! Patience is a...
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Overspending on Sports Events
How much do you think it costs the average family of 4 to attend an NFL game? If you...
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What Do You Believe About Money?
What do you believe about money? Did you know it affects your marriage, your friendships, and even your future?...
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Car Warranty Offers
I hate getting threatened with advertisements that create fear.  I recently purchased a couple of used cars. For three...
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Retiring Wisely
The Bible speaks on finances about 1,800 times, but only references retirement once when declaring that temple priests must...
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Preparing for a Layoff
  Could being laid off from your job actually be….a good thing? As difficult as losing your job is,...
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30 Day Reset Day 6
30 Day Money ResetYour one month challenge to develop healthy, biblical financial habits. DAY 6INTEGRITY IN FINANCESHow we use...
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Ask Chuck: I Need Balance Between Work and Home
Dear Chuck, I work very long days and provide nice things for my wife and children. However, I’ve grown...
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Net Worth
I’ve got a trivia question for you. Ready? What’s your personal net worth? Of course, you have value in...
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