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Gig Economy “PSA”
If you’re a freelancer, work for yourself, or run your own company, I have some tips for you. First...
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Steps to Debt Freedom
Are you ready to get out of debt? A Former Chess Grand Master, (Charles A. Jaffe), said, “It’s not...
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Temptations in the Wilderness of Uncertainty
What if you lose your job? You’ll be humiliated and probably unemployed for months. Away from me, What If!...
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Why So Many Job Openings?
Ever seen so many job openings or people who aren’t working?  Workers quit their jobs last year for numerous...
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SMART Goal Setting
How are you doing on your financial goals so far? Financial goals  provide us with vision and direction to...
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Frugal Baby Prep
Do you want a family, but worried you won’t be able to afford it? The Bible says: “Children are...
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Fruits of the Spirit: Patience
It’s been said that “Money grows on the tree of patience.” That’s a pretty good visual! Patience is a...
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Overspending on Sports Events
How much do you think it costs the average family of 4 to attend an NFL game? If you...
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What Do You Believe About Money?
What do you believe about money? Did you know it affects your marriage, your friendships, and even your future?...
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Car Warranty Offers
I hate getting threatened with advertisements that create fear.  I recently purchased a couple of used cars. For three...
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