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Embarking on a New Career


Are you counting down to Friday?!


If you’re consistently worn out, dread going to work and dream of a different career, maybe it’s time to make a change!

The typical American changes jobs 10-15 times.

And often the reasons are beyond their control as with downsizing or relocations.  Other times, there is ineffective leadership or poor relationships with fellow employees, but it could also be that you aren’t in a job that utilizes your God-given skills and abilities.

God designed Adam and placed him in a garden to work. Likewise, you’re fulfilled when you are in a position to do what He designed you to do. If you can’t effectively exercise your gifts, talents, and skills, it is time to consider a career reboot.

Ask God to give you the desires of your heart. Embarking on a career change may seem intimidating, but remind yourself of Psalm 62: 8 – trust in him at all times, and pour out your heart to him, for He is your refuge.

You may be surprised to hear of many well-known experts who took on major career changes late in their lives.

  • Jeff Bezos was a NY-based investment banker who moved across the country to launch what eventually became
  • Donald Fisher was 40 and had no retail experience when he and his wife opened the first GAP store in 1969, now one of the largest clothing chains.
  • Julia Child, the American chef, author, and tv personality, graduated with a degree in English and worked as a top secret researcher for the Office of Strategic Services.
  • Painter Grandma Moses was a housekeeper and farm laborer before beginning her painting career at age 78.

The need to balance work and life, to find a place where one’s contributions will be valued, or finding a healthier workspace are all factors.

If you’re really frustrated or not achieving your full potential in your career, ask God to show you a new path.

It can be overwhelming to try and discern what career path God has designed you for. Crown’s assessment, Career Direct, examines your personality, interests, values, and skills to show you how God wired you to work. Career Direct works for anyone – from high school students deciding on a college major to adults late in their career looking for a change.