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Erewhon – America’s Most Expensive Grocery Store

It’s Crazy Money Day!

Erewhon is a health food store with several locations in California. Known for their beautiful displays, narrow aisles, and tall shelves, Erewhon’s the most expensive grocery store in America. Perhaps the world! No wonder it’s a hot spot for tourists influencers and the super-wealthy. The stores pride themselves on offering luxurious healthy food that frugal shoppers could not enjoy. They offer valet parking and a $200 annual membership. The café membership is a mere $100 for those simply interested only in smoothies and pre-made food. I guess some people find joy in paying $50 for a bottle of vinegar, $25 for a loaf of bread, or $28 for a bottle of hyper-oxygenated water. One celebrity chef created an ice cream and caviar sundae with Erewhon ingredients that cost over $1000. Now, that’s crazy!

Most Americans are interested in saving money on groceries. Here are a few of my tips. Number 1 – avoid Erewhon. Next, create a list of favorite meals and frugal recipes. Inventory your refrigerator and pantry, study sales, and plan your menu. Keep a running grocery list so you won’t forget items you need. You’ll save money cooking from scratch, grating your own cheese, and cutting up fruits and vegetables. You could even grow herbs and vegetables this summer. Try to make Sunday meals special, and don’t be anxious about groceries, but by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to the Lord.

Now I hope you can join us at Crown’s 2023 Reunion. We plan to gather October 12-15 at Ridgecrest Conference Center near beautiful Asheville, North Carolina. For more details and registration, go to