Faithful or Successful?
Would you rather be faithful or successful?
The Federal Reserve reports that the average American household carries $137,063 in debt. But, the Census Bureau reports that the median household income was around $59,000 last year. Houston, we’ve got a problem!
The Bible tells us to “… lay aside every encumbrance, and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us.”
We encumber ourselves by following worldly advice that stresses bigger, more and better. The love of money creeps into our lives and before we know it our lifestyle is controlled by it. We borrow more than we can afford and miss opportunities to give and serve. We fear the future and stress over income and retirement plans instead of resting in God’s love and believing His promises.
He’s looking for believers who are doers of the word – those who are faithful with what He provides. And, this is a matter of surrender, accepting God’s lordship over every area of your life – including your finances.
Our founder, Larry Burkett, said, “Most Christians are more than content to live out their lives surrounded by the trappings of our world, rather than to risk losing them in becoming a radical Christian – one who will put God first in all decisions, even when putting God first is costly.”
True success is found in faithfulness.
If you’re unsure how to take the first step to solve your financial problems, we want to help! Our team would love to talk to you and answer your questions out faithfully managing the resources God has given you. Call us now with your question on the Crown Help Line at 800-722-1976 or visit