Fear of Financial Failure
Do you fear financial failure?
We know that we can learn from our mistakes. Unfortunately, we can also become so paralyzed by the fear of failure that it prevents us from doing things that could bless our families and potentially have positive outcomes. Sometimes we get so preoccupied with the past that we can’t see progress or our present successes. We even lose hope for the future. Fear keeps us in bondage. It’s a demonic stronghold that blocks our spiritual maturity and keeps us from experiencing the abundant life.
God is aware of our limitations and the mistakes we make. Thankfully, He’s greater than our weaknesses and our mess-ups. Nothing can take Him by surprise and nothing’s too hard for Him to redeem. In 2 Corinthians 12, we read how the Apostle Paul was weak and tired of the thorn in his flesh – even though it kept him from becoming conceited. Three times he pleaded to have it removed, but God said, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” So, Paul determined to boast all the more gladly in his weaknesses, in order that the power of Christ would rest upon him.
S0 don’t let your fears and failures determine your future. Lean into the power of Christ. When you’re weak, trust Him to be your strength! And if you want victory over your financial failures, put a plan in place to begin living beneath your means, paying off debt, saving for the future, and honoring God with your generosity. You’ll make progress towards your financial goals every day.
Our budget coaching program can put you on the road to financial freedom and assist you in overcoming your financial fears. We’re eager to help you. Just go to crown.org and click the “Get Help Now” tab. You can start today at crown.org.