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Financial Check – Ups

Had a financial check-up lately?

I strongly recommend periodic financial check-ups. If you’re married, plan a time to meet together to discuss things in a cordial manner. Consider how you’re doing day to day and how you’re preparing for the future. Encourage one another as you go through the process. My friends at Blue Trust have a simple checklist to help you see where you are at the moment and questions to help you pursue and achieve your desired outcomes. They suggest you ask yourself these specific questions:

• Do I have a long-term, written plan that details my financial goals?

• Am I spending less than I earn and following a disciplined budget that fits my lifestyle? 

• Have I avoided the dangers of taking on consumer debt?

• Have I diversified my investments?

• Have I planned for incorporating generosity into my budget and investing strategies?

Now if you answered “Yes” to these, then you’re doing a good job! If you answered “No” to any, then you need a planning session to sharpen your financial strategies. Determine if you’ve surrendered ownership of everything to the Lord. Remember David wrote in Psalm 24:1, “The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it…” Acknowledge the fact that God has made you a manager of the resources he provides. This may be all the motivation you need to navigate through uncertain times and stick to your financial plans. The best time is sooner rather than later. So plan your financial check-up today!

Now your check-up may reveal staggering credit card debt. Christian Credit Counselors will help. They’ll create a debt management plan specifically for your needs. For more information call the Crown Helpline: 800-722-1976 or visit online at