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Financial Faithfulness – My MoneyLife with Chuck Bentley | June 7, 2018

Crown’s founder, Larry Burkett, liked to say, “Most of what God gives you in life is not for you.” But we sure don’t live that way!

Hi, this is Chuck Bentley with My Money Life from Crown.

How’s your giving? Does it reflect what you actually believe?

God owns everything. Everything! We are simply stewards of what He’s entrusted to us with the responsibility to be financially faithful. Once we begin to think like managers instead of owners, we enjoy and are grateful for all God provides.

One of the greatest threats to financial stewardship is materialism. It lures us away from God because we spend His money on our own selfish desires. Affluence tends to blind us to the needs of others.

We have to guard our hearts! The affluence of the American way of life is a mixed blessing. Prosperity’s made life much easier and has freed a great deal of money for Kingdom work. But all of our stuff demands our time and energy.

So, what’s the solution? Regular – generous- sacrificial giving! That’s right – giving!

It’s the tangible expression of our spiritual obedience to Christ; the recognition that we are blessed to be a blessing. So, with pure motives, we steward as God directs.

Jesus said, “It’s more blessed to give than to receive.” (Acts 20:35) But we are out of practice and sadly undisciplined when it comes to obeying Scripture. Giving requires the emotional sacrifice of forfeiting ownership.

Only by exercising faith, believing God will use our gift and supply our needs, can we experience the joy and freedom He promises.

Your home church is a great place to start. Consider giving first to the Lord before paying other bills. If you can’t start at 10%, start at 2% or 5% and work your way up. If you budget now and are disciplined in your spending, you will experience the blessing promised in giving. Supporting this Christian radio ministry is also an important priority for your giving.


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