Giving This Christmas
Do you have some extra money this Christmas?
One Christmas, my wife and I were broke, and God moved in the heart of another family to bless us.
They surprised us with gifts for our boys, but their unexpected generosity ended up being a greater gift to us.
When we choose to follow Biblical financial principles, giving becomes our highest priority. Eliminating debt gives us funds to share with others, and when we provide for others, expecting nothing in return, we’re the ones rewarded.
The Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’ (Acts 20:35)
Now I know that for a fact. Ann and I have had opportunities to give that have stretched us and gone on to bless others in ways we could have never imagined.
Giving breaks the control that money has over you. It teaches you to be content with what you have. It makes you recognize needs that others have that you may have never seen before.
Giving makes you think before you buy something. You have to consider whether you really need it while others are truly in need.
With just 2 weeks until Christmas, ask God where you and your family can give this year. Make it a family project, or work together as a neighborhood. There are needs all about us. People are hurting and often too embarrassed to admit it.
Our eyes were opened to that fact in our very own neighborhood. Women have pulled together to help a precious soul who was hurting so badly she couldn’t even help herself.
Ask the Lord to open your eyes. Then give and you will be blessed!
Now your gift to Crown of any amount between now and December 31st will be doubled in impact, and you can receive our new video series: The Power of Redemptive Stewardship.
Bring Godly wisdom to those desperately in need by giving today at