Have Debt-Free Fun This Summer!
Thinking you can’t save money and have fun this summer?
During stressful times, it’s easy to spend money to escape and just have some fun. However, it’s always important to spend less than you earn. No matter how you’re feeling emotionally, avoid spending your savings – especially emergency savings. Money put aside gives margin and the confidence to face tomorrow. My wife and I consult one another before spending more than $250. She often presents me with different options or the motivation to wait for a better deal. When our youngest son totaled his car in January, we didn’t run out and buy another one immediately. Instead, I loaned him my car, then we took 3 months to find a replacement. Ann and I shared one car by planning ahead each week. In His perfect time, God provided a car that met our needs.
Christians should resolve to live self-disciplined lives, especially during inflationary times! You can take a vacation – just plan ahead so you don’t threaten your financial wellbeing. Last month, a survey from The Vacationer showed that 80% of Americans intend to travel this summer. We all need time to rest and recharge – just stick to a budget and enjoy yourself. So, plan some fun! Discuss options with your family and see what works for you financially. Do NOT go into debt. Ask God to provide. He didn’t give us a spirit of fear but of power and love and self-control. Remember that when seeking ways to enjoy your summer.
And if you’re unable to take a vacation because of credit card debt, I recommend Christian Credit Counselors. They’ll create a debt management plan just for you. For more information call the Crown Helpline: 800-722-1976 or visit online at crown.org/ccc.