Know What The Bible Says About Money
Should you follow Shakespeare’s financial principles or the Bible’s?
A person once asked me why God said we should not borrow or lend money, and they quoted a famous line from Shakespeare’s famous work, Hamlet. It’s his longest play and is among the most powerful and influential tragedies in English literature. Here are the lines so many recall:
“Neither a borrower nor a lender be,
For loan oft loses both itself and friend,
And borrowing dulls the edge of husbandry.
This above all: to thine own self be true,”
Now there’s a lot here that’s just not biblical. First, the Bible does not prohibit borrowing, and certainly not lending. It does warn about the dangers of borrowing but leaves the door wide open for lending. In fact, the Jews were instructed not to charge interest on loans to other Jews. Second, the Bible never tells us to be true to ourselves. We’re to be honest and sincere, but we must look to the Lord as our standard of righteousness. By the way, I don’t think there are many people who are not involved in borrowing or lending as William Shakespeare advised.
Do you know what the Bible says about managing money? You’re vulnerable to making bad decisions if you don’t know God’s financial principles. If I asked you to do one thing that would most radically change your life, would you try it? It’s simple. Read the Bible to understand what it says about your relationship with the Lord and your relationship with money. Then put it into practice. It’s far better than Shakespeare!
And if you’ve borrowed more than you can manage and are now struggling to pay down credit card debt, let Christian Credit Counselors help you. They’ll create a debt management plan specifically for your needs. For more information visit