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Money Myth 1: I Don’t Make Enough Money to Need a Budget

Have you been waiting to make a budget until you make just a little more money? Maybe you’ve bought into this money myth: I don’t make enough money to have a budget. The truth is, you don’t make enough money to live without one! 

I believed myths like this one for so long! I thought budgeting would cramp my style, take too much time, and just wasn’t necessary if I made more than I spent. Boy was I wrong!

Maybe you’re waiting to make a budget until you make just a little more money, or when you’re ready to save for retirement or get out of debt. A budget is the first step to financial freedom but you won’t reap the benefits until you begin. It helps you reach goals, stay on track, and experience rewards.

A budget is simply a plan of how much you’re going to spend on what. If you focus on God’s Kingdom your budget will fall into place. Granted, it will take a faithful heart and disciplined hands to stay on track. But when you prioritize spending, it is much easier to comply. And budgeting will reduce stress if you are suffering financially because it’s a visible tool is to help you live God’s way.

I know that budgeting can be a big hurdle to overcome, so we made an easy-to-use guide to help you. You can use it if you’ve never made a budget before because it is simple. If you’ve just fallen off track you can adjust it to meet your needs. Find it at

Ditch the myths and embrace the truth so you can hear, Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master.

If you need help with your finances or are looking for free resources to get started, call the Crown Helpline at 800-722-1976 or go online to