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Prioritize Giving

Is giving a priority for you?

Proverbs 3:9 says, “Honor the Lord with your wealth and with the first fruits of all your produce.” This verse challenges me to ask myself, “Who am I honoring first with my income?” or “What is my first priority with the money that I earn?” Giving is a way of acknowledging that everything we have belongs to God, and we trust Him by giving away the first of our provisions, not the last. We’re not to “tip” God from our leftovers, but to honor Him as first and foremost in our lives.

There’s a simple plan for becoming more generous. If you, or you and your spouse, will practice a very simple habit whenever you receive income, you’ll be far more generous in the years ahead. Here it is: give first, save second. No matter how or when you receive any form of money, set aside the first portion for giving. After that, you should save some. Then, what remains can be spent or invested wisely. This will establish the right order for managing money as God’s faithful steward. Giving first honors Him. Saving second prepares you for the future. They go hand in hand – and in that specific order.

When we begin to put this into practice, our hearts change from focusing on the temporal kingdom of Earth to investing in the eternal Kingdom of God. Study after study proves this truth: giving is better for the Giver than the Receiver! We experience better health, more happiness, more joy, more freedom, and more excitement from the promises of treasures in Heaven.

And if credit card debt keeping you from giving generously, let Christian Credit Counselors help. They’ll create a debt management plan just for you. For more information call the Crown Helpline: 800-722-1976 or online at