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Skiing and a Stewardship Mindset

Ever been snow skiing?

I remember teaching some of my boys how to ski. Initially, they kept crashing because they couldn’t control their skis. So, I showed them that the direction their shoulders pointed would determine the direction their skis would go. My hope was that they’d stay clear of trees and people! You may feel about your finances like my boys did skiing. You may be completely out of control, not sure in what direction you’re headed, and maybe about to crash. Like your shoulders can direct your skis on the slopes, a stewardship mindset can direct your financial and eternal future.

Stewardship is the God-given responsibility to manage His property. How seriously we take that role of managing – not owning – determines if we’re faithful or unfaithful stewards. Few people truly understand the seriousness of this topic. It impacts our eternal destiny. We all desire to hear the words, “Well done, good and faithful servant.” But many don’t know that those words are given to faithful stewards! Those who multiply what is given to them are commended for their good work because there are resources available to help and bless those who can not work. We’re not to consume everything on ourselves, but by stewarding wisely, we can preserve some for others. God provides for us so we can share his blessings with those who are suffering.

Now if you’re starting on the bunny slopes this year, a budget will bring purpose and order to your finances. Acknowledge that everything belongs to God. Then ask Him to help you responsibly manage whatever He provides, and if you want help with your finances, check out our budget coaching program. It can put you on the road to financial freedom. Go to Click on the Get Help Now tab. You can start today at