Testimony Tuesday – Amazing Graces
Financial training impacts everyone!
Hanneke DuPreeze partners with Crown in Pretoria, South Africa. Her organization is called Amazing Graces. It’s a Christian NGO. Its mission is to equip and empower local leaders with Biblical values, knowledge, and skills to transform their communities and lead people to God. Since 2018, they’ve been actively using Crown materials. They use a contextualized version of the Crown Money Map in the townships where they serve. The core message and structure are the same and they help people learn how to become faithful stewards. Crown provides the material for their Money Wise division. Participants in the program claim their lives have been radically changed, especially in the way they spend money.
Amazing Graces works with drug addicts in a rehab facility where they receive in-depth training for 9 months. One man graduated and was so inspired he started his own rehab center with 26 other men. He reached out to Hanneke saying, “This Money Map training has changed my life. Please come and do it for my people.”
Amazing Graces asks that we pray that they will continue to work according to the Lord’s will and that fleshly desires will never come into play. Pray that they will follow God’s plan for nothing is better than His way. They believe that involves making a difference in the moral foundation of South Africa because it needs it so much. As Luke 16:11 says, “If you’ve not been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth, who will entrust you with true riches?”
And if you need help handling what you’ve been given, our budget coaching program will put you on the road to financial freedom as well. Go to crown.org and click the “Get Help Now” tab. You can start today at crown.org.