Testimony Tuesday – Couple Impacted by Crown Study
Do you apply God’s financial principles to your life?
God cares for us and gives us guidelines for handling money. The Bible contains more than 2,350 verses dealing with money and possessions. In fact, Jesus taught more about money than almost any other subject. In 1997, a couple attended Crown’s 12-week Bible study. That study changed their lives. Here’s a portion of their testimony:
“We both worked until 2012 and raised 3 children. We were able to send them to college for 4-year degrees. We’re retired now and live comfortably in large part….by what we learned from this study. It taught us what God’s Word says regarding to whom everything belongs – and how we’re to live our lives based on His Biblical principles.”
Well, that study changed my life too. Like them, I also learned that God owns everything. We’re to manage what He provides according to the guidelines he gives us in Scripture. I grew in my understanding of God’s love for me. I learned that His principles are for our good and his glory. How we handle money impacts our relationship with Christ. When we faithfully apply Biblical financial principles, we grow in our love for Him. Listen to John 14:21: “Whoever has my commands and obeys them, he is the one who loves me. He who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love him and show myself to him.” God’s Word is true. It guides us in handling all that He provides. I want you to trust Him and see what happens!
And if you’re struggling with credit card debt, Christian Credit Counselors are the best. They’ll create a debt management plan that will work for you. For more information visit online at crown.org/ccc.