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Testimony Tuesday – Money Map Taught in Uganda

Can financial training lead others to Christ? 

In January, two missionaries traveled to Uganda to teach Crown’s program called the African Money Map to 27 Elders and Pastors. Remember, this is a nation where the average age is less than 18. The training was a success. Here’s the remarkable testimony from just one of those pastors.

“God has transformed my life through your teachings on the African Money Map. Indeed, you have been a great blessing from the Lord to my life, family, and ministry. I promise to do my best to put all this sweet knowledge from God into action. Through your lectures and by the grace of God, I am no longer the same person that showed up for the training. He has enabled me to learn the following:

• God has a good plan for our lives, especially my life 

• God owns everything, both the living and nonliving, the invisible and visible things – including my life. I belong to Him 

• God assigned us to be the stewards of his property and possessions. We ought to be good stewards and give an account to him.

• God wants us to save and invest in His Kingdom

• God wants us to control our spending

• God, through his son Jesus Christ, paid all our huge debt. Therefore, we ought to also pay our debtors.

• Giving is a way of worshipping God. We worship by giving our resources, offerings, tithes, and time.

• Sin separates us from God, but God, through his son Jesus Christ, reconciled us back to himself.

Thank God for those who sent you to us.”

Now do you want to experience that kind of financial freedom? Crown’s budget coaching program can put you on the road. Go to and click the “Get Help Now”. You can start today at