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Testimony Tuesday – The Money Map Really Works!

The Money Map really works!

When people immigrate to the United States, they often end up in financial trouble. They are economically vulnerable and can quickly fall prey to our debt-focused culture. Robert and Loverne thought a credit card would help them build credit and give cash rewards, but that plan quickly got out of control. They cried out to the Lord for a solution. In the depths of despair, they say that the Holy Spirit reminded them of the Crown Money Map. Crown’s Money Map was created years ago and has been updated, digitized, and shared around the world.

The Money Map and a Certified Budget Coach changed this couple’s life. They paid off their credit cards and began working to eliminate all other debt. In addition, giving monthly became a priority as those debts began to disappear. They were impacted by the topic of God’s economy vs. man’s. Everything in God’s economy gives. Whatever God created provides us with sustenance and enjoyment. Man’s economy is about hoarding, and taking from others, and is focused on self-gratification. The couple grew in peace and contentment because they recognized the Lord as their ultimate provider. By giving thanks, they were able to rest in His promises. They gained freedom and relief from stress as their debt decreased despite the fact that their income didn’t. Their hearts and minds did and that made all the difference! Crown helps individuals in a uniquely personal and transformative way. People learn to steward what they already have all over the world!

Our budget coaching program can put you on the road to financial freedom as well. Go to and click the “Get Help Now” tab. You can start today at