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On this page you will find links to all of the resources found in the Raising GenZ Parent Study. We've sorted them by section based on the page number in the book. Wherever you find a link, scroll to that page number and you'll find the resource you need. 

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Financial Stewardship

Gospel Stewardship

Career and Identity Stewardship

Financial Stewardship

Page 34
Crown's Budget Forms

Download Crown’s Budget forms and help your teen fill them out according to their needs.

Page 36
Crown's 2350 Verses

God sure has a lot to say about how we manage money. Click the button to read the verses and maybe find a few to memorize!

Special note

In this unit, we use several videos from an organization called the Bible Project. The Bible Project is a Christian non-profit who offers their content completely for free. They have given us permission to use their material and want you to know that you can find all of their studies on YouTube by searching for "The Bible Project.” We highly recommend you check them out!

Page 51
How to Read the Bible: What is the Bible?

Page 52

How to Read the Bible: Biblical Story

Page 57
"Word Study: Shema - "Listen"

Page 59


Page 59

"Holy Spirit"

Page 60

"Word Study: Agape - "Love"

Page 60

*Word Study: Chara - "Joy"

Page 62
"Word Study: Shalom - "Peace"

Career and Identity Stewardship

This section of the study didn't have any links, but here are some of Crown career and identity resources

Personality I.D. is Crown's enhanced DISC assessment. In 16 questions you'll discover more about how God designed you to work with others, manage your finances, and your typical strengths and struggles. Click the logo above to take the assessment for free!

Career Direct is the only Christian career assessment that aligns your personality, interest, skills, and values to help you discover your individual God given design for work. Career Direct has enabled hundreds of thousands of people all over the world to find and fulfill their calling. It can help your student too. Click the logo above to start.