The Antidote to the Comparison Trap
We’ve probably all been there. Scrolling through Pinterest, inspired by all the “simple” home renovation projects, colorful meal prep plans, and impressive kid birthday party ...
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When Making $100K a Year Doesn’t Feel Like “Upper-Middle Class”
The median household income in America is about $59,000. This would suggest that making above $59,000 would offer you certain financial comforts and eases that ...
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Why I Carry A Credit Card (And Why You May Want To, Also)
You may be surprised by this, but I carry a credit card. Many people ask my why I would endorse using a credit card because ...
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The Crown Staff’s Favorite Money-Saving Tips
The Crown team makes it a priority to “practice what we preach”, which means that we have an office full of brilliant budgeters, savers, and ...
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Do Grocery Pick Up Services Actually Save You Money?
If you live in a large suburban city in the US, you’ve probably noticed the emergence of a new way to do your grocery shopping. ...
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