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Economy & Investing

Discover a biblical perspective on the economy and investing.
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Seven-Step Solution to an Economic Crisis
In light of the signs pointing to what some are calling the “economic crisis of a century,” an “economic Pearl Harbor,” or a “financial tsunami, including ...
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Should You Be Preparing a War Portfolio?
by The Christian Financial Planning Institute Fear should never drive investment decisions. The smarter move is to stick with a portfolio that’s well diversified and ...
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Understanding Mutual Fund Loads and Share Classes
by Austin Pryor for Sound Mind Investing What does it cost to buy mutual funds? That depends on how you buy them…whether you go to ...
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The security you seek is in God’s economy
In recent years, we’ve witnessed the world shifting like sand beneath our feet. We’ve been asking ourselves, “What’s happened to us?” “Is it ever going ...
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Every Spending Decision Is An Investing Decision
by Austin Pryor for Sound Mind Investing We all would like great health and physical fitness, but only people with self-discipline achieve such goals. Other ...
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With several courses to choose from, you’re on your way to financial freedom

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Multiply: A Biblical Guide to Investing

This course will equip you with the knowledge, confidence and biblical foundation you need to invest successfully.

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Money Life

The MoneyLife Personal Finance Study will help you realign your finances to help you reach your goals

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Crown CEO Chuck Bentley answers YOUR money questions

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