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Economy & Investing

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5 Ways to Become a Better Investor
Matt Bell, a friend and financial author has written an excellent article called The Essentials of Investing on his blog, Matt About Money.  It is ...
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Are You Worried About Outliving Your Retirement Savings?
If you’re worried, you are not alone. Maurie Backman with the Motley Fool says retirement tops the list of Americans’ financial concerns. In 2016, 64% ...
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Investing: Apple Orchard vs Apple, Inc.
A friend recently sent me an article where the author gave this challenge – What is a better investment, planting an Apple orchard or buying ...
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A Warning About the Stock Market
According to an article in Bloomberg Business, “Citigroup Inc. is sounding the alarm bells for the world economy. The New York-based bank’s chief economist, Willem Buiter, ...
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With several courses to choose from, you’re on your way to financial freedom

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Multiply: A Biblical Guide to Investing

This course will equip you with the knowledge, confidence and biblical foundation you need to invest successfully.

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Money Life

The MoneyLife Personal Finance Study will help you realign your finances to help you reach your goals

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