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Economy & Investing

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Are you re-purposing or retiring?
By Chuck Bentley A recent call from listeners to our radio program gave me great joy. The couple shared with me their plan to re-purpose ...
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Maximizing Social Security Benefits for Married Couples
By Chuck Bentley According to Blackrock, the world’s largest investment firm, if you are married, the decision of when to collect Social Security benefits is ...
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Building wealth takes work
By Chuck Bentley “A recent study by Fidelity Investments focused on what it takes to become a millionaire without the help of a game show, and ...
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Preparing for the End Times
By Chuck Bentley A recent poll by the Ventura, California-based Barna Group found 4 in 10 Americans—and 77 percent of evangelical Christians—believe the “world is ...
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The 2007 “Black Swan” has not lost its bite
By Robert Dickie III. Regulation worsens “Black Swan” events. As more Americans struggle to build a full-time life in a part-time world, the cosmic shift ...
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With several courses to choose from, you’re on your way to financial freedom

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Multiply: A Biblical Guide to Investing

This course will equip you with the knowledge, confidence and biblical foundation you need to invest successfully.

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Money Life

The MoneyLife Personal Finance Study will help you realign your finances to help you reach your goals

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Crown CEO Chuck Bentley answers YOUR money questions

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