Loverne and Robert are among the many economically vulnerable people who have been impacted by life changing, biblical financial principles. They immigrated to the United States and found themselves in a deep financial pit. But with the help of a Crown Budget Coach, Robert and Loverne deepened their faith and God has set them free from the burden of overwhelming debt and financial stress!
As immigrants we were new to this debit focused financial culture and fell prey to using our credit card for payments until we weren’t able to keep up with clearing the cards monthly with our paycheck. We thought the card would help build our credit score and give rewards cash, but quickly got out of control. After Christmas purchases, untimely medical bills and an unfortunate timeshare purchase, we were overwhelmed with our financial state and began to seek debt consolidation but were rejected because we were still paying on the debts ‘too often’ .
We cried out to the Lord for a solution since this was the first time in our marriage, we had such debt and knew that God had something better in store for us. The Holy Spirit reminded me of the Crown Money Map that I got when we just migrated, and I went in hot pursuit of that site. We searched through the site and saw so many tools but were convinced that we needed to have personal guidance to mentor us into this unknown system and were elated to discover that exactly what we asked God for was what Crown offered. We knew God was taking us into a new season and was prepared for change. The new biblical perspective about our mindset on money, transformed our approach to facing our challenges.
A small, colorful piece of paper (the Crown Money Map) was the start of Robert and Loverne’s journey to freedom in their finances. That map was created more than 15 years ago, and has since been updated, digitized, and continuously shared around the world.
The creation of biblically based tools that are easy to use has been at the heart of Crown’s mission for decades. And just as important as creating those materials is getting them where they need to be. Millions of people around the world have started on a journey like Loverne and Robert’s because one of our trained partners or volunteers ministered to them. An act of kindness to a new migrant, a Crown Money Map and a Certified Budget Coach, was all God needed to spark change in this couple’s life.
Our mentor was a Godsend, he brought a level head and new insight that helped us in the debt elimination. Today, our credit cards are paid off and we are on our way to eliminating all our debt. The topic of God’s economy and man’s economy had a significant impact on us. Everything in God’s economy gives. Whatever God created on the earth provides us with sustenance and enjoyment, in contrast to man’s economy of hoarding and taking without regard for others and is entirely about self-gratification. Contentment and peace were another area that helped us grow. The Lord is our ultimate provider,and no matter where we are in our journey, we should be content while simultaneously thanking the Lord and resting in His promise…So much freedom and mental relief came from seeing the debt reduced even though our income didn’t change, our hearts and minds did and started giving priority to closing those debts one by one.
Crown is helping individuals in a uniquely personal and transformative way. While organizations that provide free food, clothing, and more to people experiencing financial hardship are needed and helpful, this testimony points to something greater that is necessary. Learning to steward what we already have! Our certified budget coaches are on the front lines, serving as the guides God is using to provide the one-on-one counsel so many people are looking for. If you are interested in serving as a volunteer Budget Coach so more people like Robert and Loverne can experience a life of true freedom and purpose, Crown can help. Our online Budget Coaching program matches you with one of our certified coaches to thoroughly analyze your financial status. Your coach will work with you to develop a customized spending plan and debt elimination strategy to put you on the road to financial freedom! It all can be done securely and from the convenience of your home. Learn more and connect with a Budget Coach by clicking here.
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