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Transforming Finances Through Faith

by Stephanie Anfinson October 17, 2024


Keyla Drake, a participant in the Budget Coach Training Course, describes her experience as transformative, fundamentally reshaping her perspective on money and stewardship. “I came into it thinking I had a solid grasp of biblical budgeting, especially after getting out of debt with my husband in 2021. I was excited to share our journey with friends and guide them toward financial freedom,” she recalls. However, what she learned during the course went beyond her expectations, impacting her views on money, contentment, generosity, and legacy.

One of the most profound lessons Keyla learned was understanding that God is the creator and owner of everything, which shifted her mindset from, “How much of my money should I give to God?” to “How can I best manage God’s resources?” This new perspective transformed the way she approaches budgeting, no longer seeing money as something to control, but rather as something to steward faithfully for God’s glory.

Stewardship, Keyla admits, was the biggest takeaway from the course. “I used to think that as long as I gave my 10% to the church, I was doing enough,” she explains. But she came to realize that God doesn’t just want a portion—He wants her entire life to reflect faithful management of His resources. This lesson prompted her and her husband to re-examine their financial priorities, moving away from the desire for material upgrades and focusing instead on contentment and intentional giving. “We also made it a priority to give more intentionally to causes that align with spreading the Gospel, like buying Bibles for places like Malawi,” she shares.

The spiritual growth Keyla experienced through the course has been profound. She reflects on how the encouragement to “seek first the Kingdom of God” became not just a familiar verse but a guiding principle for her life. Even during financially challenging seasons, Keyla says, “He has provided for us in surprising and beautiful ways,” reminding her of God’s abundant provision. “Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think…to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations” (Ephesians 3:20-21), she concludes, celebrating the lasting impact the course has had on her faith and finances.


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