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“Where is my heart? To whom should I give?”

by Stephanie Anfinson July 24, 2024

We recently received this encouraging testimony from Tammy Thain whose life, faith and financial journey has been impacted by our Budget Coaching program.

July Newsletter Images

“Being in the circumstances that I find myself, I needed this financial course in a huge way! I have gleaned so much from this course, especially from the spiritual aspect of finances: Where is my heart? To whom should I give? Is my family provided for?  My coach was perfectly placed in my life and situation by God! What a blessing, a help, and tremendous teacher she has been!

The significant lesson was how God wants me to work, give, save, spend, and invest – and the Bible verses that go along with each of these.  A change in my heart to understand what God wants of me. To understand His economy of how we are to steward what He’s given us. Everything is His!  Chuck’s videos were Spirit-filled. The videos spoke life back into my heart concerning God’s desire for me to use my gifts that He’s given me and to give generously, and that it is all for God’s glory.”


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