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Partner of the Month: Crown New Zealand

This month’s Partner of the Month is Peter Crawford from Crown New Zealand. You’ll hear Peter discuss the development of a five-week course titled “Serving one Master”. The inspiration for the course title struck him in the middle of the night, emphasizing the universal struggle faced by individuals, irrespective of their wealth, in navigating financial pressures. There is a societal resistance in New Zealand to openly discuss financial matters, particularly among pastors. The course aims to address this by fostering a supportive environment where participants can share their financial challenges without judgment, leading to a release of shame and guilt.

Through the course, people discover a shared experience of financial challenges, breaking the silence and creating a space for open conversations. Despite the societal reluctance to discuss finances in New Zealand, the course provides a platform for individuals to connect over common struggles and realize that they are not alone in facing economic pressures. This shared sense of understanding contributes to a more relaxed atmosphere during the course sessions, fostering a supportive community where participants can openly share their stories without fear of judgment.

More Than a Seminar, the Beginnings of a Movement

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KOREA | Russian speaking teens in Korea make up a commonly overlooked marginalized community. I CAN! is an impactful program designed to encourage and equip these teens with practical tools and principles like understanding God’s role in our finances and how to start a business. This program is leading these teens out of isolation, depression and hopelessness as they are restored by an understanding of who they are in Christ and the freedom He has for them.


Irina Tsay and Aaron Kim share a heart for the Koryo people of Korea, a group of around 100,000 ethnic Korean descendants, originating from the former Soviet republics who now live in Korea.

Many Koryo people are highly educated and make up the elite in their country; however, due to the language barrier and issues of assimilation, they have been in labor-intensive roles around the manufacturing hubs of Korea. Many of the teenagers also struggle with assimilation, the language barrier, and alienation. Marginalized and neglected, these teens have to fend for themselves.

Last year, equipped with new-to-her Crown resources (thanks to Aaron’s introduction), Irina started the I CAN! teens club in Korea for Russian-speaking teens. With the help of the international team at Crown, they hosted the first cohort of 15 girls and boys from the ages of 11 to 17 over two days. 

Personal finance makes up the first two sessions at I CAN! based on Crown’s MoneyLife® Personal Finance Study. Many of the participants reported that this was their first realization that God is a part of our finances. By starting with the understanding that God is the owner and we are simply the managers, it opens the door for the students’ hearts to be transformed. The personal finance sessions conclude with generosity, with a focus on God’s personal sacrifice of His only Son, Jesus.

During sessions three and four the students move into two days of competitions. Four business cases are presented and the teams compete for investments in the form of a pitch, similar to Shark Tank. The case studies are conceptualized in a way that Koryo teenagers can understand best. 

Aaron later shared with us: “We are so thankful to God who made this seminar happen. I will need a few more days for the impressions to settle down and to absorb what God is doing in the middle of the Koryo teens in Korea. Thank you to our Crown family for your prayer support. God’s presence was undeniable. One student even mentioned that the seminar felt like a church. As Irina summarized, ‘“I CAN!” This could be more than a seminar but rather a teenage movement (or an awakening) down the road.’ I say: totally… absolutely and why not!”


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“These days were very special…Stone-hard hearts melted, and some have taken on new perspectives. Others dealing with depression started to laugh and sing again, and once-worried parents smiled at first in joy only to break out in laughter minutes later. I feel very privileged and grateful for being able to serve this special community. I CAN! is, in so many ways, a unique gathering, and the impact it had on those young faces is special to me. I loved every moment of it, and I am still reminiscing of our time together. God used Irina and myself as empty vessels to do what He had intended to do, which is answering desperate prayers for the next generation of Koryo people.” – Aaron


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“The results of the seminar were fantastic! We have received a lot of positive feedback from teens and their parents, including non-Christians. Moreover, there is a new initiative from parents of another city in Korea, Gyeongju, who asked us to hold one more seminar there. This city has even more hurting teens, and the majority of them are non-Christians.” -Irina

Serving Children in Peru | Pan de Vida

Carlos Van de Kamp with Pan de Vida, our Alliance Partner in Peru, feeds 3000 children daily through 43 kinder-restaurants spread throughout all of Peru. Pan de Vida’s vision is to create a school to teach their kids how to become self-sufficient. They have been trained using the Latin Money Map, Foundations for Farming, PID®, and Crown’s Entrepreneurship Program in Latin America.

DRC Children Make a Joyful Noise

Mobali, our dedicated leader in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), is on a mission to establish the first Crown Stewardship Center in the region. His journey is remarkable, having overcome a past where he was taken from his home as a child and forced into being a child soldier. After escaping, Mobali found refuge at our Crown Stewardship Center in Malawi, where he lived, worked, and received training. During his time there, God planted a vision in his heart to return to the DRC and establish a Crown Stewardship Center.

While diligently working to raise funds for the land he aims to purchase, Mobali continues to train and share God’s stewardship principles with everyone he encounters. His outreach extends to training the wives of wounded soldiers who lack a source of income to support their families. Additionally, he has partnered with a secondary school that incorporates agriculture into its curriculum and a local university interested in receiving Foundations for Farming and African Money Map training.

Recently, we received a heartwarming video of Mobali singing and dancing with a group of children on New Year’s day. He collaborated with the UN Coordinator in the area to spread the love of Christ to underprivileged children in the community. We eagerly anticipate Mobali’s plans for the Crown Stewardship Center and are excited to host him in the U.S. in April. God is working through Mobali in incredible ways, and we look forward to providing updates on the progress of the CSC in the Democratic Republic of the Congo in the months ahead.

Partner of the Month: Here’s Life Africa

This month’s featured Partner is Andy Blakesley, leader of Here’s Life Africa. Listen as he shares about his partnership with Crown and how it has profoundly impacted their ministry. He expresses his belief in discipleship and utilizes resources like Crown’s films to connect people’s needs for things like money and jobs to their spiritual growth, fostering a deeper relationship with Christ. Their ministry conducts extensive outreach, showcasing the God Provides film series across multiple villages, resulting in countless individuals professing their faith in Christ. These films serve as a vital link between evangelism and discipleship in their efforts, witnessing a consistent pattern of people making decisions to accept Christ in various villages month after month. Through this partnership, they’ve seen tangible results in transforming lives and leading people towards a closer walk with God.

Freedom, Restoration, and Flourishing through Collaboration

Carlos Van de Kamp with Pan de Vida, our Alliance Partner in Peru, feeds 3000 children daily through 43 kinder-restaurants spread throughout all of Peru. Pan de Vida’s vision is to create a school to teach their kids how to become self-sufficient. They have been trained using the Latin Money Map, Foundations for Farming, PID®, and Crown’s Entrepreneurship Program in Latin America.

Partner of the Month: Crown Poland

Take a moment to watch this video featuring David Mrotek, a dedicated figure from the Crown Foundation in Poland, marking 15 remarkable years of ministry. David delves into the profound significance of Crown’s teachings on biblical stewardship principles, impacting the lives of countless individuals in Poland. Learn how they empower 25-30 individuals annually, fostering leaders who, in turn, have imparted invaluable knowledge to over 250,000 people across Poland. Join us in celebrating the incredible work God accomplishes through these invaluable partners, shaping a brighter future for the people of Poland.

“To see how God can change a community gives me so much joy.”

“My name is James Shawa. Three years ago, I started to practice the Foundations for Farming. Now I have learned that a good harvest doesn’t depend on fertilizer. I realized that I can use what God has already given me. Now we are so thankful that our mais looks well. This year we’ll have enough food. I will sell some mais for school fees. We used what God has given us and God blessed it. I can share with my community what I have learned about Foundations for Farming. I hope my village will come out of poverty. To see how God can change a community gives me so much joy.”

Partner of the Month: Dr. William Chen

Dr. William Chen is a dedicated figure in the realm of financial ministries, based in Hong Kong and extending his services to Hong Kong, Macau, and mainland China. Having been an integral part of Crown Financial Ministries Hong Kong since its establishment in 2008, Dr. Chen’s journey has spanned over seven years of faithful service. From his initiation as a Director to eventually taking the helm as Chairman in 2019, his transformative experiences with the biblical financial study program, now known as Money Life, have been a cornerstone. The program’s structured approach has not only revolutionized his perspective on finances and the kingdom but has also addressed the vital need for money management education within a financially driven city like Hong Kong.

Amidst the bustling financial landscape of Hong Kong, William Chen’s commitment to merging financial principles with biblical teachings has been a guiding light. In a city where decisions are often influenced by financial motives, Dr. Chen recognized the scarcity of money management discussions within the church. This insight led to the creation of Money Life, a platform that imparts the art of becoming faithful stewards through structured biblical financial studies. Chen himself experienced a complete transformation in his perspective, acknowledging that financial management in alignment with God’s principles is of paramount importance.

Dr. Chen’s impact has been tangible and far-reaching. Since 2016, over a thousand believers have successfully completed the biblical financial study and the business-oriented Business By the Book courses. Furthermore, the ripple effect extends to the training of over 200 small group leaders, enabling them to effectively guide and mentor others. In a city where financial prowess often takes precedence, Chen’s efforts stand as a testament to the profound influence that can arise when financial wisdom is coupled with spiritual insights.

“I’ve seen a lot of things done in the name of Jesus Christ but I’ve never seen anything like this.”

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Traveling the world can lead to witnessing remarkable endeavors, each carrying its own story of impact and inspiration. But among the myriad of tales, some stories stand out as truly extraordinary. One such story unfolds at Namikango Farm in Zomba, Malawi, where the transformative power of faith and innovation has cultivated a 35-acre commercial farm that transcends conventional boundaries.

In a heartfelt Facebook post, Joe McKaig captures the essence of Namikango Farm’s unique journey. “I’ve traveled a lot and seen a lot of things done in the name of Jesus Christ but I’ve never seen anything like this,” McKaig writes. The farm, led by the dedicated couple Chris and Joni Weaver, has become a beacon of hope, progress, and sustainable change in the heart of Africa.

Namikango Farm is no ordinary agricultural venture—it’s a testament to the union between business acumen, community development, and the tenets of faith. At the core of Namikango Farm’s success is its holistic approach. The farm’s 35 acres are not just a source of produce; they are a source of empowerment. The local population is given more than just a job; they are given the tools to build a better life. As McKaig eloquently puts it, “The local people have the opportunity to be gainfully employed, learn life lessons, gain valuable skills, and hear the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.”

The numbers speak volumes—approximately 12 tons of tomatoes are produced each month alongside an array of other crops. But it’s not just about the harvest; it’s about teaching innovative farming techniques that are not only sustainable but also require no chemical fertilizers or excessive irrigation. The Weavers impart invaluable knowledge to families, showing them how to provide for themselves, contribute to their community, and maintain the fertility of their land for generations.

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In an environment where handouts are all too common, Namikango Farm is breaking the cycle. The farm provides regular employment to about 60 workers each day, enabling them to earn a living with dignity. Wednesdays are special—workers are treated to a free lunch, and in the midst of sustenance for the body, they also receive sustenance for the soul. Local pastors take turns delivering the message of the Gospel, allowing many to find solace, hope, and a renewed sense of purpose.

Joni and Chris Weaver, the driving forces behind Namikango Farm, have spent nearly seven years in Malawi, wholeheartedly dedicating themselves to this noble endeavor. Their journey has not been without challenges, but their faith has remained steadfast. L2 Limited, the commercial farm entity, stands as a living testament to their unwavering commitment and God’s faithfulness.

The impact goes beyond the farm’s borders. Namikango Farm has become the largest outdoor grower of tomatoes in Malawi, supplying not just local markets but also fostering a culture of entrepreneurship among businesswomen who travel from miles away to purchase wholesale produce. The ripple effect of this endeavor is seen in the establishment of numerous retail businesses that have sprung up due to the availability of local wholesale offerings.

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Beyond tomatoes, Namikango Farm is a hub of agricultural diversity. From staple crops like maize and soya to nutrient-rich vegetables like broccoli, bell peppers, and lettuce, the farm showcases a thriving variety that nourishes both the land and the people.

Perhaps one of the most inspiring aspects is the dedication to education. The demonstration and training field at the farm’s entrance is a hub of knowledge sharing. Here, the Foundations for Farming (FfF) training program takes root, demonstrating year-round the power of sustainable farming practices. Yield-increases year after year stand as living testimony to the efficacy of these principles.

As this remarkable journey continues, the prayers for expansion are heartfelt. The hope is for more individuals to join the ranks, to carry forward the legacy that Joni and Chris Weaver have sown with unwavering dedication. And amidst the growth and progress, the core mission remains unchanged—to spread the Gospel, to see lives transformed, and to support the growth of local communities.

Namikango Farm stands as a model that beckons to be replicated across Sub-Saharan Africa and beyond. It’s a story that embodies the merging of faith and action, of business and benevolence. As the farm’s impact grows, may it serve as a reminder that even in the most challenging environments, the seeds of transformation can yield a harvest of hope.