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Freedom, Restoration, and Flourishing through Collaboration

Carlos Van de Kamp with Pan de Vida, our Alliance Partner in Peru, feeds 3000 children daily through 43 kinder-restaurants spread throughout all of Peru. Pan de Vida’s vision is to create a school to teach their kids how to become self-sufficient. They have been trained using the Latin Money Map, Foundations for Farming, PID®, and Crown’s Entrepreneurship Program in Latin America.

Partner of the Month: Crown Poland

Take a moment to watch this video featuring David Mrotek, a dedicated figure from the Crown Foundation in Poland, marking 15 remarkable years of ministry. David delves into the profound significance of Crown’s teachings on biblical stewardship principles, impacting the lives of countless individuals in Poland. Learn how they empower 25-30 individuals annually, fostering leaders who, in turn, have imparted invaluable knowledge to over 250,000 people across Poland. Join us in celebrating the incredible work God accomplishes through these invaluable partners, shaping a brighter future for the people of Poland.

“To see how God can change a community gives me so much joy.”

“My name is James Shawa. Three years ago, I started to practice the Foundations for Farming. Now I have learned that a good harvest doesn’t depend on fertilizer. I realized that I can use what God has already given me. Now we are so thankful that our mais looks well. This year we’ll have enough food. I will sell some mais for school fees. We used what God has given us and God blessed it. I can share with my community what I have learned about Foundations for Farming. I hope my village will come out of poverty. To see how God can change a community gives me so much joy.”

Partner of the Month: Dr. William Chen

Dr. William Chen is a dedicated figure in the realm of financial ministries, based in Hong Kong and extending his services to Hong Kong, Macau, and mainland China. Having been an integral part of Crown Financial Ministries Hong Kong since its establishment in 2008, Dr. Chen’s journey has spanned over seven years of faithful service. From his initiation as a Director to eventually taking the helm as Chairman in 2019, his transformative experiences with the biblical financial study program, now known as Money Life, have been a cornerstone. The program’s structured approach has not only revolutionized his perspective on finances and the kingdom but has also addressed the vital need for money management education within a financially driven city like Hong Kong.

Amidst the bustling financial landscape of Hong Kong, William Chen’s commitment to merging financial principles with biblical teachings has been a guiding light. In a city where decisions are often influenced by financial motives, Dr. Chen recognized the scarcity of money management discussions within the church. This insight led to the creation of Money Life, a platform that imparts the art of becoming faithful stewards through structured biblical financial studies. Chen himself experienced a complete transformation in his perspective, acknowledging that financial management in alignment with God’s principles is of paramount importance.

Dr. Chen’s impact has been tangible and far-reaching. Since 2016, over a thousand believers have successfully completed the biblical financial study and the business-oriented Business By the Book courses. Furthermore, the ripple effect extends to the training of over 200 small group leaders, enabling them to effectively guide and mentor others. In a city where financial prowess often takes precedence, Chen’s efforts stand as a testament to the profound influence that can arise when financial wisdom is coupled with spiritual insights.

“I’ve seen a lot of things done in the name of Jesus Christ but I’ve never seen anything like this.”

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Traveling the world can lead to witnessing remarkable endeavors, each carrying its own story of impact and inspiration. But among the myriad of tales, some stories stand out as truly extraordinary. One such story unfolds at Namikango Farm in Zomba, Malawi, where the transformative power of faith and innovation has cultivated a 35-acre commercial farm that transcends conventional boundaries.

In a heartfelt Facebook post, Joe McKaig captures the essence of Namikango Farm’s unique journey. “I’ve traveled a lot and seen a lot of things done in the name of Jesus Christ but I’ve never seen anything like this,” McKaig writes. The farm, led by the dedicated couple Chris and Joni Weaver, has become a beacon of hope, progress, and sustainable change in the heart of Africa.

Namikango Farm is no ordinary agricultural venture—it’s a testament to the union between business acumen, community development, and the tenets of faith. At the core of Namikango Farm’s success is its holistic approach. The farm’s 35 acres are not just a source of produce; they are a source of empowerment. The local population is given more than just a job; they are given the tools to build a better life. As McKaig eloquently puts it, “The local people have the opportunity to be gainfully employed, learn life lessons, gain valuable skills, and hear the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.”

The numbers speak volumes—approximately 12 tons of tomatoes are produced each month alongside an array of other crops. But it’s not just about the harvest; it’s about teaching innovative farming techniques that are not only sustainable but also require no chemical fertilizers or excessive irrigation. The Weavers impart invaluable knowledge to families, showing them how to provide for themselves, contribute to their community, and maintain the fertility of their land for generations.

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In an environment where handouts are all too common, Namikango Farm is breaking the cycle. The farm provides regular employment to about 60 workers each day, enabling them to earn a living with dignity. Wednesdays are special—workers are treated to a free lunch, and in the midst of sustenance for the body, they also receive sustenance for the soul. Local pastors take turns delivering the message of the Gospel, allowing many to find solace, hope, and a renewed sense of purpose.

Joni and Chris Weaver, the driving forces behind Namikango Farm, have spent nearly seven years in Malawi, wholeheartedly dedicating themselves to this noble endeavor. Their journey has not been without challenges, but their faith has remained steadfast. L2 Limited, the commercial farm entity, stands as a living testament to their unwavering commitment and God’s faithfulness.

The impact goes beyond the farm’s borders. Namikango Farm has become the largest outdoor grower of tomatoes in Malawi, supplying not just local markets but also fostering a culture of entrepreneurship among businesswomen who travel from miles away to purchase wholesale produce. The ripple effect of this endeavor is seen in the establishment of numerous retail businesses that have sprung up due to the availability of local wholesale offerings.

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Beyond tomatoes, Namikango Farm is a hub of agricultural diversity. From staple crops like maize and soya to nutrient-rich vegetables like broccoli, bell peppers, and lettuce, the farm showcases a thriving variety that nourishes both the land and the people.

Perhaps one of the most inspiring aspects is the dedication to education. The demonstration and training field at the farm’s entrance is a hub of knowledge sharing. Here, the Foundations for Farming (FfF) training program takes root, demonstrating year-round the power of sustainable farming practices. Yield-increases year after year stand as living testimony to the efficacy of these principles.

As this remarkable journey continues, the prayers for expansion are heartfelt. The hope is for more individuals to join the ranks, to carry forward the legacy that Joni and Chris Weaver have sown with unwavering dedication. And amidst the growth and progress, the core mission remains unchanged—to spread the Gospel, to see lives transformed, and to support the growth of local communities.

Namikango Farm stands as a model that beckons to be replicated across Sub-Saharan Africa and beyond. It’s a story that embodies the merging of faith and action, of business and benevolence. As the farm’s impact grows, may it serve as a reminder that even in the most challenging environments, the seeds of transformation can yield a harvest of hope.


The Power of Storytelling Changes Everything

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Patrick Chapola, a local pastor and the administrative director at the Crown Malawi center, began his journey with the financial stewardship workshop in September 2021. In February 2022, he completed advanced training and became a dedicated champion of the cause. Recognizing his passion and commitment, John and Mary Beth Flippen, the Directors of Training at Crown Malawi, have since entrusted Patrick with all the financial stewardship outreaches for the center. He conducts financial stewardship training in the I Was Hungry and Foundations for Farming programs and serves as a mentor to other Malawians, multiplying the impact of the programs.

Recently, Patrick and his colleague, Frackson Chimkango, a Foundations for Farming Trainer and local church leader, facilitated a training for 23 pastors and their spouses in the village of Nselera, located 15 kilometers outside of Zomba in southern Malawi. Nselera is a farming community whose primary crop is rice. However, their fields were devastated by Cyclone Freddy in early 2023, leaving them in a dire situation. Despite significant challenges, the Church of Christ in All Nations, where the training was held, remained committed to hosting the workshop. Even in the face of adversity, the hunger for biblical financial training was, and continues to be, extraordinary.

Recognizing that Malawians are oral learners, this training employed a storytelling approach using the most powerful stories available – those from the Bible. Henry’s story from the African Money Map (AMM) was developed for this very reason. In the ten trainings Patrick has done since 2022, he has learned that scripture makes an immediate connection and impact on his listeners. They want to implement what they hear right away when they know it comes from the Bible. As an example of how Patrick used additional scripture to illustrate AMM principles, he told the story of Gehazi from 2 Kings 5:15-27 to emphasize the importance of integrity and the consequences of dishonesty. The trainers shared the story orally, without reading from the Bible, and followed it up with thought-provoking questions. This approach encouraged interaction and reflection among the participants.

One of the remarkable aspects of the workshop was the profound impact it had on the participants. After hearing the story of Gehazi, as well as the financial lessons found in Malachi 3, all present boldly and publicly engaged in prayers of repentance, openly expressing their remorse and seeking forgiveness. These prayers lasted anywhere from 20 to 45 minutes, demonstrating the deep spiritual impact the training had on them. The significance of the vulnerable openness that occurred cannot be overstated.  In honor-shame cultures, discussing money problems in public simply does not happen. God was clearly at work, and the trainers were awestruck by the transformation that took place before their very eyes.

Many pastors attending this workshop came from rural areas and had little to no formal biblical training. In these rural communities, the formation of a church is usually initiated by a group of villagers, who select one of their neighbors to be the pastor. Prior experience and training are immaterial. The lack of formal education made the financial stewardship workshop even more eye-opening for them. The story-based approach equipped the attendees with the ability to easily retell the messages and ask the same questions in their congregations, and many are regularly using storytelling in their Sunday sermons now, too.

At the conclusion, participants testified to the uniqueness of this training, remarking that they had never received anything like it before. They were amazed at the depth of the program and its transformational power. Through the dedication and commitment of individuals like Patrick Chapola and the use of storytelling, the financial stewardship workshop is making a lasting impact on the lives of pastors and their congregations, bringing heart change and improved resource management to both individuals and communities in Malawi.

The power of storytelling changes everything with Crown’s work in oral cultures. Pastors, excited by the knowledge they have gained through the workshop and confident in their abilities to impart it, are enthusiastically returning home to share the good news. Embracing the gift of storytelling is connecting more people to biblical truth than ever before.  It is as though God’s stories have wings!

In Matthew 9:37-38, Jesus says that the harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few, and He tells us to pray for the Lord to send out more workers. As Patrick’s efforts have shown, when workers do go, they reap beyond measure. The work of Crown Malawi is a beautiful reminder of our need for mentors and companions on the journey to help us move from where we are to where God wants us to be. When we walk humbly and invest in others, the ripple effect is endless.

Partner of the Month: Adonai Trust

Derick and his wife, Sanet, are with Adonai Trust, based in Namibia, Africa, which encompasses various endeavors including various Crown resources and methods. Adonai Trust's vision aligns with the missions of our partnered ministries, and aims to bring about positive change within Namibia's communities.Enter your text here...

The Power of Partnerships

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The Gospel is spreading through Crown to places you may never have imagined possible. Every country and culture is different, and that is why we have partnered with over 100 different organizations who are entrenched in their local communities. Instead of bringing solutions that work in the United States into these diverse places, our partners translate Crown materials and adjust the practical teachings to make sense in their context – all while retaining the biblical truths that are Crown’s foundation.

One of these organizations is Project Video. They have been dubbing Crown’s God Provides Film series, which was produced in 2009, into many different Asian languages! More than 13 years later it is continuing to have a tremendous impact! They recently shared:

“Our ministry has been dubbing the God Provides series (provided by Crown) into many languages here in Asia. One surprise to us was that the Rich Man and Lazarus story was very popular among local evangelists! In a few different tribes, the culture values family highly, and a common obstacle to someone becoming a Christian, is that they do not want to go to heaven if their ancestors aren’t going to be there. They would rather be in hell with their ancestors. But in the Rich Man and Lazarus film, it shows a man in hell desperate to tell his family to choose heaven instead. It’s opening their eyes to consider that perhaps their ancestors want them to choose heaven regardless. Praise God for this story, removing their barrier to faith!”

To Watch the Rich Man and Lazarus film, and the additional films in the God Provides series, click here. 

Transforming Communities in Venezuela

We sent Luis Rea and his wife, Dena, to Malawi in 2019 to be trained at our Stewardship Center in Malawi. Since that time, they’ve been transforming their community in Venezuela, in the midst of national economic collapse. They are spreading God’s stewardship principles in so many ways: they are training other pastors and leaders; they have started multiple micro-businesses, employing members of the community; they run a feeding program for hundreds of children and are now also teaching the parents of the children sustainable farming practices to enable them to provide for their children themselves. We are equipping people to use the resources they already have to overcome generational cycles of poverty. Watch the video to hear from Luis about the exciting transformation they are seeing.

Partner of the Month: Amazing Graces

"People are starting to realize that money is not going to be the solution to their problems."

Meet our partner of the month, Hanneke DuPreez, with the organization Amazing Graces in Pretoria, South Africa. Watch this video to learn more about how Amazing Graces is using a contextualized version of the Crown Money Map in their community to help people learn how to become faithful stewards. Join us in praying for Amazing Graces as they continue to transform their community for the glory of God!