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Our Newest Partners in Burundi are Saying “Goodbye to Hunger!”

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Join with us in celebrating one of our newest Crown Stewardship Centers in Burundi, Hope for Tomorrow. Founder, Donna Bloomfield, originally from the UK, has a heart for the orphans in Burundi and recently shared the following with us:

Hope for Tomorrow Global in Burundi has been working with hundreds of families who have been oppressed and despised and living in abject poverty for years. When we first met them, we found them in a camp where some had literally starved to death. Their only form of shelter was made from scavenged cardboard, straw, bits of plastic and old sacks. They were in utter despair. They were not allowed to leave the camp, so they had no means of sustaining themselves. We began to take a sack of maize and beans for each family every month. We needed God’s provision. We then started to provide a daily cup of milk for over 300 children in the camp who were badly malnourished. Each time we visited, we would share the gospel and would teach them about God’s heart for the poor, often from Psalm 113. “He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap; He seats them with princes, with the princes of his people.”


We shared with our friends how God wanted to lift them up, but as the years went on, it was hard not to get discouraged as little changed for our friends. But as always, God provided the funds each month. After almost 4 years, the camp was suddenly destroyed, and the families were dispersed. They had nowhere to go and nothing in the way of belongings, but now they had freedom, and this meant we could now start to support and work together in new ways.

We immediately made plans to start teaching Foundations for Farming. Twenty-one people, all from the camp community, began to learn the farming principles on a tiny piece of land. Week by week, we taught them how to farm in the way God intended and we shared about who God is, His nature, and His ways, using the lessons in the Foundations for Farming Training Manual.

The trainees gave themselves wholeheartedly and readily embraced the principles. They worked hard and faithfully, grateful that they could now have something to give themselves. As they learned how to farm, many also encountered Jesus in a very real way. Hope was beginning to rise, and hearts and minds were starting to be transformed.

At the end of that farming season, the trainees harvested. What a day that was! Yields were 10 times more than would have been expected using conventional farming methods. It was incredible. There was such joy and we praised God. Hope had been restored.

Little by little, we rented more land and trained more trainers, so we could train more families. Each year, as we trained, more and more people encountered Jesus and learned how to feed themselves.

In the past 2 years, over 180 people have been saved at the field-side and as a result, City Gate Church has been birthed and established. What a remarkable turnaround and testimony to how God is true to His Word. God really is raising the poor and seating them with princes. They are now at the forefront of our desire and efforts to serve the nation and eradicate hunger through training others and giving glory to Jesus!

Donna’s right hand man at Hope for Tomorrow, John Murungwa, was one of the first orphans she took care of. They are an amazing organization involved in the following activities:

And now, through this Crown Stewardship Center, their community will be learning how to manage all these resources to lift their entire community out of poverty. They will be using the African Money Map, Money Map Game, and God Provides film series to teach God’s stewardship principles so these families can escape the personal and generational poverty they’ve been trapped in for so long and find true freedom, purpose and human flourishing. It is through partnerships like these that God is providing enduring solutions to economic suffering and transforming entire nations around the world.


Partner of the Month: Crossing Cultures International

Each month, we will feature one of our partners, and we're excited to introduce you to David Nelson from Crossing Cultures International. Based in Brandon, Florida, David Nelson is the founder and president of Crossing Cultures International, which provides training to pastors and church leaders in 37 countries across six continents. The partnership has been fruitful for 10 years. Crossing Cultures International focuses on training pastors in Asian countries on biblical stewardship, aiming to shift church cultures from receiving to actively giving. 

Empowering Lives in Liberia: Transformation and Celebration

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We received  from Crown Alliance Partner Benjamin Tomah in Liberia, recently taught Crown materials to a group of 107 participants, and share this incredible story of impact:

“It was a very rewarding time of learning together from God’s Word. We taught the Crown Money Map on Friday afternoon followed by time of discussion. Participants were sincerely touched by the lessons in the material. Some of the highlights in our discussion were the value of family staying together and family sharing information with each other, honesty, and the importance of applying all the positive steps in life’s journey as outlined in the Crown Money Map. On Saturday morning 19 people were baptized. Then we had a parade in the village, climaxing with Easter Sunday morning service.”

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The Joy of the Lord!

In April of 2023, the Crown staff poured into the lives 20 people from Ntutile village. They are learning about farming, finance, family and faith. The Crown staff shepherded Ntutile towards a more sustainable life full of hope. When this group received a Bible for the first time in their lives, the JOY was uncontainable as they broke out in song! (Watch the video to experience the joy!)

Crown Leaders Share the Gospel with the Poor in Hong Kong

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Over the last year, Crown Hong Kong has expanded their outreach programs to minister to some of the people in their country with the greatest needs. They recently launched their first project to teach the Biblical Financial Study to low income families. Their first program targeted parents, all of whom were unbelievers. Crown Hong Kong was able to increase the participants’ financial knowledge and introduce Christianity in a practical way they could understand. 

Dr. William Chen, the director of Crown Hong Kong, passed along these comments from one of the unbelieving parents who took the class, 

The course is useful and interesting, it broadened our financial knowledge and helped us understand more about Christianity. The tutor presented the topic interactively and was easy to understand. The volunteers helped us with great care. We would like to join similar courses. The most interesting part was ‘How to classify spending and savings’ and ‘How do I get to eternal life.’ 

In just a few classes, this person was able to discover the Gospel, and now they want to know more!


7,000 Leaders Trained

Worshiper At Cathedral Of The Immaculate Conception

2023 marks the 10th anniversary of our partnership with Crossing Cultures International whose mission is to “to glorify God by equipping Christ followers globally with comprehensive training for effective ministry.” David Nelson, their President and Founder, shared:

“We are very happy with our partnership with Crown. Through these ten years, we have trained over 7,000 pastors and church leaders through The Bible on Money…We have seen pastors and churches have more resources and a better understanding of what the Bible teaches about money…We plan to take these teachings wherever God opens door for us, we want to train as many people as possible to be good stewards of God’s gracious gifts to them so that they can make more disciples and fulfill the great commission to glorify our Great God!”

Crossing Cultures International is bringing Crown’s teaching to over 34 nations, including Mongolia, Thailand, Hong Kong, Cambodia, India, and some limited-access countries. And, it is thanks to our faithful partners that we are able to provide them with materials that help their ministry thrive.

The Malawi Flood

In March 2022, Tropical Storm Ana and subsequently Cyclone Gombe hit Malawi

Training Pastors in Tanzania

What you can’t tell from this photo is the resounding noise filling the room. Laughter, hands slamming down on tables, and feet rushing across the room are the melody behind these mens’ smiles. Meet three pastors from the Anglican Diocese of Mount Kilimanjaro who have come together in Arusha, Tanzania to learn how they deepen their own understanding of stewardship, and how to raise up faithful stewards in their congregations. This scene is from the middle of a raucous Money Map game, where the pastors learn hands-on about budgeting. Crown partners have used this game to teach hundreds of people how to budget with a biblical mindset. Some groups have played for over eight hours! This game, which originated in Africa, is being spread to other Crown partners and is being developed to minister to kinesthetic learners around the world.

Crown Stewardship Center™- Venezuela

For years, Luis and Dina have been helping children who are suffering from extreme malnutrition, feeding 500 children weekly in their community in Venezuela. They are starting a Crown Stewardship Center™ in Venezuela. They traveled to the Crown Stewardship Center in Malawi to be trained in a complete stewardship curriculum for rural areas, which includes Resource/Money Stewardship, Environmental/Farming Stewardship and Business/Sustainability Stewardship.

In the picture, Luis and Dina harvest mushrooms during training at the Crown Stewardship Center in Malawi.

Please pray for them as they multiply their training through their communities in Venezuela to help the children and families in need.

Argentina – June 2019