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“Where is my heart? To whom should I give?”

We recently received this encouraging testimony from Tammy Thain whose life, faith and financial journey has been impacted by our Budget Coaching program.

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“Being in the circumstances that I find myself, I needed this financial course in a huge way! I have gleaned so much from this course, especially from the spiritual aspect of finances: Where is my heart? To whom should I give? Is my family provided for?  My coach was perfectly placed in my life and situation by God! What a blessing, a help, and tremendous teacher she has been!

The significant lesson was how God wants me to work, give, save, spend, and invest – and the Bible verses that go along with each of these.  A change in my heart to understand what God wants of me. To understand His economy of how we are to steward what He’s given us. Everything is His!  Chuck’s videos were Spirit-filled. The videos spoke life back into my heart concerning God’s desire for me to use my gifts that He’s given me and to give generously, and that it is all for God’s glory.”

Rediscovering Financial Freedom through Budget Coaching


Mark and Claire Pelletier have rediscovered financial stability and marital harmony through the help of their Crown Budget Coach. Claire Pelletier shared with us, “We have been struggling for years to stay on top of our ‘budget’ — we (mostly me) made purchases out of wants and without much reflection. When we sat to look at our ‘numbers’ together, it was a source of stress. Mark is more of a saver and not a spender; I am the opposite. We also approach money differently: the way we look at our budget, the way we spend.”

The couple recognized their need for external assistance, reminiscent of the guidance they received two decades ago through a Crown Bible Study course at their church. Claire recalled, “We knew we needed something or someone to help us get back on track and to approach it (again) the way we had done almost 20 years ago. We wanted that sense of peace again and we wanted to get out of debt, which was a great source of stress for Mark. So I searched online for Crown and found this online mentoring option, which I thought would be perfect for this time in our life. And it has been!”

Mark echoed Claire’s sentiments, emphasizing the transformative impact of the coaching: “The Crown class was an answer to prayer as we had gotten into too much debt and felt controlled by it. The course has made us re-evaluate our use of money and we are growing in our understanding of what it means to be good stewards.”

One of the critical changes the Pelletiers implemented was eliminating their reliance on credit cards. Mark noted, “First and foremost, we have stopped using our credit card for all our purchases as it became obvious that the card was the primary source of our problem. We switched to using our debit card for our day-to-day purchases.”

Additionally, they have become more discerning in their spending habits. Mark explained, “Growing in understanding and working to implement the principle of needs vs. wants vs. desires. Now when we food shop, for instance, we get what we need. Same with other shopping.”

Another significant step the couple has taken is establishing a savings account for emergencies. “We have also established a savings account for emergencies, something we have not done since we were first married 35 years ago,” said Mark. “This has resulted in greater peace and trust in God.”

Weekly financial reviews have also played a crucial role in their progress. Claire highlighted the importance of these discussions: “It is important being consistent and committed to discussing our finances on a weekly basis. It has made us hold each other accountable, given us a renewed sense of direction and hope: we are making decisions together again a lot more easily and (which is key for us) more frequently.”

Mark added, “A weekly review of our spending has helped us be more open and confident in discussing our use of money.”

Through prayer and trust in divine provision, the Pelletiers have found greater financial peace. “We are praying a lot more about our finances and trusting that God will provide in His own way,” Mark shared. “We actually have started to put away true emergency savings and believe this is part of being a good steward.”

In conclusion, the Pelletiers’ journey demonstrates the profound impact of Budget Coaching and spiritual stewardship in achieving financial peace and marital harmony. As Claire succinctly put it, “It feels great to approach this part of our marriage together and to work towards growing in Godly stewardship of ALL He has given us.”

A Testimony of Faith and Perseverance

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“We cannot begin to describe the freedom found in Christ and His principles.” 

Steve Turner’s life is a testament to the power of faith, financial discipline, and the transformative power of biblical stewardship principles. Steve’s early years were marked by the influential broadcasts of WMIT, a Billy Graham station. It was here that Steve first encountered the Crown Financial Ministries broadcast with Larry Burkett, setting the stage for a life-changing journey.

Steve recalls, “I would catch the ‘A Money Minute’ or some other snippet more than I had the opportunity to hear his actual program at the time, ‘Money Matters’, but the message rang home.” Over the years, these messages began to resonate deeply with Steve, and he slowly started to implement the biblical principles of financial stewardship into his life.

After years of familial and financial struggles, Steve made a bold decision to start anew. He moved to South Carolina, where he continued to apply the financial wisdom he had learned. “I started tithing and saving again as I had been taught,” he shares. This commitment to financial prudence and spiritual growth eventually led to new beginnings. In 2010, Steve’s life took a turn for the better.

He met his second wife at church, and together they embarked on building a life aligned with their beliefs. “We sold off all of our other assets, combined our households, and in 2017, moved to a small hobby farm,” Steve recounts. This move not only solidified their financial independence but also fulfilled a long-held dream.

In January 2024, Steve and his wife took another significant step by moving to a ranchette in Montana, fully paid in cash. Reflecting on this 25-year journey, Steve shares, “Now, my wife and I are living our dream debt-free, and we have nothing in our path to prevent us from doing God’s work.”

Steve’s story is not just about financial success but about the deeper joy and freedom found in living according to God’s principles. “We cannot begin to describe the freedom found in Christ and His principles,” he says. With plans to write a book detailing their experiences, Steve hopes to inspire others to embrace financial wisdom and trust in God’s timing.

Steve Turner’s life is a vivid illustration of God’s faithfulness and the practical impact of biblical financial principles. We hope his story encourages others to remain steadfast in their faith journey, emphasizing that with God, all things are possible.

Couples Experience Financial Transformation Through Budget Coaching

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We learned that everything is God’s belonging as a Christian” – Logan and Morgan

Many individuals and couples find themselves at a crossroads with their finances, often struggling to align their monetary habits with their spiritual values. For Logan & Morgan Murphy and Maurice & Deborah Henry, turning to Crown Financial Ministries and their Budget Coaches proved transformative.

Logan and Morgan (pictured above) were in a stable financial situation but lacked a clear plan that reflected their faith-based values. With the guidance of their Budget Coach, they developed a structured financial plan centered around spending, saving, and giving as per their Christian beliefs. “We learned that everything is God’s belonging as a Christian,” shared the Murphys. They now budget diligently for regular giving, experiencing not just financial improvement but also spiritual alignment with their beliefs.

On the other hand, Maurice and Deborah Henry faced ongoing challenges with their spending habits, often finding themselves perplexed about where their money was going. Their turning point came when they decided to seek help after hearing about Crown on Way FM. With the support of their coach, Carmine Ferraro, the Henrys began to track their spending and adhere to a strict budget for the first time. Deborah noted, “For the first time, we are tracking where our money is going and sticking to a budget.” This has not only helped them manage their finances better but also brought their financial decisions in line with biblical principles.

Both couples have seen significant changes in their financial stewardship, proving the power of targeted financial coaching combined with a commitment to faith-based principles. Whether improving an already stable financial situation or overcoming chronic spending issues, the guidance from Crown coaches like J. Rice and Carmine Ferraro has been invaluable in helping individuals and families establish healthy, spiritually aligned financial practices.

Global Online Training Initiative

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Crown is thrilled to announce the ongoing success of our online training sessions, designed to enhance the expertise of our partners and foster global networking opportunities. Our latest series, “Bible on Money,” launched on May 7th, led by Curtis Anderson, Senior Director of US Urban Development. This series comprises five engaging Zoom sessions, and the curriculum offers an insightful exploration of biblical teachings on financial stewardship, focusing on the relationship between money, our hearts, and possessions.

The response to this initiative has been overwhelmingly positive, with more than 20 participants from diverse backgrounds, representing 12 different countries including Burkina Faso, DRC, Haiti, Egypt, Mongolia, Namibia, Nigeria, Romania, Thailand, Turkey, Zambia, and the US. This cross-cultural participation enriches the learning experience, providing a unique platform for dialogue and understanding.

Feedback from attendees has been encouraging. One participant expressed his appreciation, stating, “Thank you so much again for this wonderful initiative. I will keep the recordings and will use them to enrich our presentations as it comes along.” The participant also highlighted the relevance of discussions on honesty and integrity, emphasizing the transformative impact of such teachings.

This series not only aims to educate but also to inspire action and reflection among our partners, ensuring they are well-equipped to apply these teachings in their respective contexts. We are proud to be a part of this journey and are committed to continuing our efforts in providing valuable learning experiences that resonate across borders.

Empowering and Equipping Leaders Across the US

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In March, we hosted our inaugural in-person Restoration Path training following the launch of our new program last October. Welcoming a diverse cohort of leaders representing various churches, ministries, and community-focused initiatives, including urban environments, pregnancy & youth centers, Young Life Men’s groups, and Native American reservations, among others, was incredibly gratifying.

Our primary objective was to empower these leaders with the tools and knowledge to effectively implement our Restoration Path program within their respective ministries. This program serves as a catalyst for individuals in need, aiding them in discovering their true identity and purpose, and unlocking their potential to make a positive impact.

During the training, two delegates from Native American reservations in Montana recognized the program’s potential to profoundly impact their communities. Inspired by this realization, they are eager to integrate the program into their organization’s framework. Furthermore, they have committed to hosting the next training session for leaders from partner organizations within the reservations in May. We are so excited to see the future impact of this program!

“There was a solution that could actually help me. It gave me hope.”

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Reggie Rossignol’s journey of financial transformation is a testament to the power of guidance and support. In a world where conversations about money can be daunting, Reggie found solace and empowerment through the assistance of a Crown Budget Coach. She felt isolated in her struggles with money management, unable to find someone she could confide in. However, through the Crown Budget Coach program, Reggie discovered not only practical solutions but also a newfound sense of hope and understanding about money’s role in her life. This testimony encapsulates her journey toward financial freedom and the invaluable lessons she learned along the way.

“I appreciate having someone that I can talk to about money issues and advice. I do not have anyone in my personal life that I can talk to about these things, or as deeply as I need to. I do work at a financial institution, have an amazing team, and I know any one of them would have helped me. However, sometimes I need to go over things a few times before I understand them. Being “too personal” can also impact things in a way we didn’t expect. I didn’t want to “take too much” from my peers.

This course and the Debt Management program helped me feel like there was a solution that could actually help me. It gave me privacy, hope, and an ally. I was also able to hear concepts and messages that I haven’t heard before about money; about the way God views it and wants us to manage it.

I feel like the savings lessons were the most impactful. I’ve never really thought about savings because I was always working toward debt or things to fix. So, it was always an afterthought. Though, I can see where if I had saved more earlier on, I wouldn’t have gotten in debt with a credit card, or loan. Now, I am breaking the cycle.

I also categorized my spending in my online banking app at the same time. I know that will make the biggest difference—looking at my money every day, accounting for it, and trying to stay within the lines. I also plan on being more intentional about saving and I cut my credit card, which was SO scary. I just kept reminding myself that debt is scary too.”

Reggie continues, “I’ve known for years I need to get better about money. I have notes in old Bible studies about it. I hate it but it’s true. Yet some of my beliefs made me feel like it was a sin to think about money, especially too much, so I never learned how to get better with it. As a result, I just maintained debt. I’d like to think I am “turning from that sin” now. And as we say in recovery from any other addiction or wound, we must first admit we’re powerless to change ourselves. My heart and mind are in alignment with God now. Hopefully, I am being cleansed and renewed into the steward He created me [us] to be.”

Reggie’s story serves as a beacon of inspiration for anyone navigating financial challenges. Through vulnerability and dedication, she embraced the opportunity for change and embarked on a path toward becoming a faithful steward. Her willingness to pursue a path of stewardship reflects a profound shift in mindset—one that aligns with God’s plan for her life and paves the way for a future marked by financial freedom and abundance.

Generosity in Unexpected Places


“If I say, ‘Surely the darkness shall cover me, and the light about me be night,’
even the darkness is not dark to you; the night is bright as the day,
for darkness is as light with you.” (Psalm 139:11–12)

It’s awe-inspiring to witness the transformative power of God in the most unexpected places, like the Okaloosa County Jail in Crestview, Florida. Despite the darkness that often shrouds such environments, stories of God’s profound impact on individuals’ lives shine through. John Reaves, a valued partner, collaborates with the Emerald Coast Life Center (ECLC) and Joy Fellowship Ministries to run a recovery program within the jail.

Their efforts extend beyond rehabilitation to equipping inmates with essential life skills. Recently, inmates participated in Crown’s Do Well program, focusing on biblical principles of financial stewardship. The profound impact of these teachings was evident as hearts began to change. In a remarkable display of generosity, inmates started tithing their commissary funds to support fellow inmates in need. This selfless act exemplifies the transformation occurring within these men.

Let’s celebrate the incredible work happening within these walls, acknowledging God’s presence and guidance. May these men continue to seek Him and live by His teachings, and may the leaders involved be granted strength and encouragement in their ministry.

Meet Ella Mae

Ella Mae Koliyah went through the Restoration Path Facilitator training with the desire to help others, but found she was in just as much need of restoration as those she hoped to serve. Listen to Ella Mae’s beautiful testimony of how Restoration Path helped her own journey of healing. To learn more about Restoration Path, click here.

Stewardship Changes Everything

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Joel and Morgan shared that their most profound takeaway from Crown’s Budget Coaching© program was anchored in the reminder that God was the true owner, and they were mere stewards. With this perspective, they found new freedom and purpose in their financial decisions.

In a world where finances can strain even the strongest of bonds, Joel and Morgan found themselves at a crossroads. The weight of mismanaged budgets, overspending, and misunderstood conversations had cast a shadow on their relationship. As they stood on the threshold of uncertainty, a glimmer of hope arrived in the form of Crown’s Budget Coaching program.

Morgan’s apprehension was palpable. The thought of exposing their financial struggles to a coach triggered feelings of shame and guilt. She was the primary caretaker of their budget, and her sense of responsibility made it hard not to blame herself. “I was nervous that our Crown coach would look at our budget and have terrible feedback for us,” Morgan shared. Yet, the courage to embrace change was stronger than her fear.

Enter Richard, their Crown coach, who would prove to be a beacon of encouragement and understanding. Morgan’s worries dissolved as Richard created a safe space for them to share their challenges openly. His gentle guidance paved the way for the couple to confront their financial reality head-on.

Joel had also grown weary of financial strife. Frustration had become the backdrop of their conversations. Seeking a solution, he enrolled in Crown’s program, hoping for a bridge to understanding. What he found was far more transformative than he could have imagined.

The program normalized open financial discussions, coaxing them out of their corners and into a partnership rooted in shared goals. Richard’s warmth and strategic insights breathed life into their attempts to communicate better. Though their journey was far from complete, Joel felt a renewed sense of unity with Morgan.

During the course, a fundamental truth from scripture echoed: “God owns everything.” For Morgan, this was a revelation that changed her perspective. It was a reminder that their finances were entrusted to them by a gracious God, who walked alongside them through the stress and worry. The weight lifted, replaced by a sense of divine partnership.

Joel’s experience mirrored Morgan’s realization. He found comfort in knowing that they were not alone in this journey. Wise counsel surrounded them, a reminder that God’s presence extended to every aspect of their lives, including their finances.

With newfound understanding and faith, they reshaped their budget. No longer guided by assumptions, they crafted a plan rooted in their actual financial situation. Their focus shifted towards saving and seeking creative avenues for generating income, guided by the principles shared in Crown’s resources.

However, their transformation wasn’t confined to spreadsheets and strategies. Even when faced with overspending, they had learned to adjust and to support each other in the process.

Yet, the most profound lesson was anchored in the reminder that God was the true owner of their resources, and they were mere stewards. With this perspective, they found new purpose in their financial decisions, asking themselves, “How well does my budget represent the owner of the money I’m spending?”

Joel and Morgan’s journey with Crown’s Budget Coaching program had bridged divides and illuminated a path toward a united financial future. Their story is a testament to the power of partnership, the impact of wise counsel, and the transformation that can unfold when God’s stewardship principles are woven into every aspect of people’s lives.