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Episode 43: Cultivating Farms and The Kingdom with Craig Deall

Episode 43: Cultivating Farms and The Kingdom with Craig Deall

Crown Stewardship Podcast

Episode 43: Cultivating Farms and The Kingdom with Craig Deall

About this episode:
This week on the Crown Stewardship Podcast, we welcome special guest Craig Deall. Craig is the CEO of Foundations for Farming, based in Zimbabwe. You’ll hear the Foundations for Farming principles: on time, at a high standard, without waste, and with joy. Craig shares how these are not just principles for farming - but every walk of life. You’ll also hear Craig’s incredible testimony of forgiveness - and how he is now using teaching these farming techniques as an entry point into sharing the gospel. Craig’s story is such a powerful reminder that God can use anything and anyone to make a huge impact in the Kingdom!

Podcast Highlights:

  •  You’ll hear Craig’s incredible story of forgiveness in the face of injustice and hardship.
  • What in the world is “pfumvudza”?
  • Learn more about the Foundations for Farming principles: on time, at a high standard, without waste, and with joy.
  • How the overwhelming success of Foundations for Farming has transformed government policy in Zimbabwe.
Craig Deall

Our Guest

Craig Deall serves as CEO of Foundations for Farming—an initiative aimed at bringing transformation to individuals, communities and nations through faithful and productive use of land. Foundations for Farming is based in Zimbabwe, where burning and deep soil inversion are common practice on farms causing terrible sheet erosion to occur, which results in loss of seed and water. Craig and the team at Foundations for Farming are working to encourage local farmers to use more productive and sustainable practices, thus improving productivity and sustainability all throughout the region.


Episode 42: Economist Provides Hope Amidst Global Issues with Jerry Bowyer

Episode 42: Economist Provides Hope Amidst Global Issues with Jerry Bowyer

Crown Stewardship Podcast

Episode 42: Economist Provides Hope Amidst Global Issues with Jerry Bowyer

About this episode:
This week on the Crown Stewardship Podcast, we welcome special guest Jerry Bowyer. In a world that seems increasingly divided, confusing, and down-right bleak, Jerry offers his encouraging expertise to a variety of current affairs. This episode is packed with everything from the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, cryptocurrency, gold, interest rates, inflation, and more, all while examining these issues through the lens of a Biblical worldview. The good news is, all the world's issues don’t feel quite so grim when we have an eternal mindset and trust our sovereign God.

Podcast Highlights:

  •  How oil prices have affected Putin’s international strategy.
  •  Jerry explains how global inflation creates destabilization and destroys nations.
  •  Are we too far gone? What individuals can do to renew our culture. (Hint: It starts with you!)
  •  Is cryptocurrency the equivalent to digital gold?

Our Guest

Jerry Bowyer is the Chief Economist of Vident Financial, Editor of Townhall Finance, President of Bowyer Research, and author of The Maker Versus the Takers: What Jesus Really Said About Social Justice and Economics. He is also Resident Economist with Kingdom Advisors and serves on the Editorial Board of Salem Communications. He has been columnist and a frequent commentator on Fox Business News, Fox News, and CNBC. He has been a contributing editor of National Review Online, The New York Sun and Townhall Magazine, and he has written for the Wall Street Journal and for numerous other publications. Jerry lives in Pennsylvania with his wife, Susan, and the youngest three of his seven children.


Episode 41: Why Am I Here and What is My Purpose? with Justin Jeter

Episode 41: Why Am I Here and What is My Purpose? with Justin Jeter

Crown Stewardship Podcast

Episode 41: Why Am I Here and What is My Purpose? with Justin Jeter

About this episode:
This week on the Crown Stewardship Podcast, we welcome Justin Jeter, co-Founder of Handre DeJongh and Justin talk about a topic they are both passionate about purpose. Finding your purpose can feel like an enormous, intangible goal, but Justin breaks down purpose into practical steps with a clear process. They discuss the difference between what the world may consider when thinking about purpose in contrast to what a God-given purpose looks like. If you have ever asked yourself the question, “Why am I here?” (and we know you have!), you will not want to miss this episode.

Podcast Highlights:

  • Questioning our purpose is a universal question. What is purpose, and what is it not?
  • You’ll hear about the process of purpose discovery: grounding ourselves in Kingdom hope, taking what God has given us, and using it to address important needs in the world.
  • The intersection of God given strengths, gifts, and talents, and understanding how they relate to what's needed in the world will determine our purpose.

Our Guest

Justin Jeter developed the SPARX formula, Purpose Match’s “special sauce” and oversees product development, operations, and other nerd stuff (books, legal, etc.). Before partnering with Shannon to build Full Ride and PurposeMatch, Justin worked at Dealmaven in NYC (acquired by Factset Research Systems), where he ran a financial analysis training program for aspiring investment bankers. He was also part of the New Business team at ad agency Leo Burnett in Chicago. He serves as a minister in Granbury, TX, and has worked in youth ministries in Texas and California.


Episode 40: Your Credit Score 101 with Neile Simon

Episode 40: Your Credit Score 101

with Neile Simon

Crown Stewardship Podcast

Episode 40: Your Credit Score 101 with Neile Simon

About this episode:
This week on the Crown Stewardship Podcast, we welcome Neile Simon, with Christian Credit Counselors. Neile and the team at CCC help people with debt management, and avoid bankruptcy and debt settlement scams. Neile joins us to talk about credit scores: what they are, why they are important, and what to do if yours is less than ideal. Neile offers practical advice and guidance, and you’ll be encouraged by hearing her passion for helping people thrive financially.

Podcast Highlights:

  • What factors affect credit scores and the ripple effects of having a good credit score.
  • How to set your children up for a successful credit history without completely letting go of the reins.
  • Why running your own credit report regularly is important and what to do if you find an error.

Our Guest

Neile joined Christian Credit Counselors (CCC) in 2013 and has built partnerships focused on helping people achieve financial freedom and a better way of life.  Neile’s passion lies in helping and serving others by creating community through collaboration, connection, and impact. Established in 1990, Christian Credit Counselors has helped over 300,000 Americans get out of debt and begin to enjoy the benefits of financial freedom. We are located in San Diego, California and are licensed and bonded in 36 states across the nation.


Episode 39: Life Without Limbs with Nick Vuijicic

Episode 39: Life Without Limbs with

Nick Vuijicic

Crown Stewardship Podcast

Episode 38: Redeeming & Redefining Communities with Curtis Anderson

About this episode:
This week on the Crown Stewardship Podcast, we welcome Nick Vujicic, founder and CEO of Life Without Limbs. Nick tells his inspiring story of being born without arms or legs to becoming one of the world’s most sought after speakers and evangelists in the world. Nick’s enthusiasm to spread the Gospel is infectious. If you have ever felt like you are missing your purpose, you will not want to miss this episode that will encourage and inspire you - and make you laugh!

Podcast Highlights:

  • Nick is candid about his personal life and discusses his early struggles with depression and attempted suicide, his upbringing in a faithful Christian home, how he fell in love with his wife, and his mission and purpose.
  • How God’s plan for Nick’s life was far greater than he could have thought or imagined, and how Nick came to fully trust and submit to God’s plan.
  • You’ll hear about Nick’s current passions and projects - a new social media platform, co-founding a bank, encouraging America to collectively repent, and more.

Our Guest

Nick Vujicic (“voo-yi-chich”) is an Australian-American born without arms or legs who has become a world-renowned speaker, New York Times best-selling author, coach and entrepreneur, and is also the founder and CEO of the non-profit ministry Life Without Limbs. Millions of people have found hope, purpose and the strength to overcome their challenges through Nick’s inspirational speeches and powerful coaching. Nick has been featured on BBC, 60 Minutes Australia, CBS Sunday Morning, Oprah’s LifeClass, USA Today, People Magazine, ABC News, The Glenn Beck Program TLC, LA Stories, and many more.


Episode 38: Redeeming & Redefining Communities with Curtis Anderson

Episode 38: Redeeming & Redefining Communities with Curtis Anderson

Crown Stewardship Podcast

Episode 38: Redeeming & Redefining Communities with Curtis Anderson

About this episode:
This week on the Crown Stewardship Podcast, we welcome Curtis Anderson, Vice President of Discipleship at Bonton Farms in Dallas, Texas. Bonton Farms started out as a garden in a small lot, and has grown to two fully functioning farms, a Farmer’s Market, a Café and Coffee House. They not only grow food, but are working alongside residents to transform the community. Curtis tells the story of how God brought him into this role, and how they help people - not just to find a job - but to become employable and to enjoy work. We know you’ll enjoy listening to this episode filled with stories of hope and healing! 

Podcast Highlights:

  • Curtis recalls how words of encouragement from a few people changed the trajectory of his life.
  • How the Lord used Curtis’s natural love for the underdog, to build a passion for changing the lives of those struggling in his community.
  • Bonton farms is an urban farm that isn’t really about farming. You’ll learn about the seven social determinants that Bonton Farms focuses on to ensure lasting life change.
  • Unity vs. Uniformity - why embracing differences helps Curtis in his role as a "Cultural Translator”.

Our Guest

Curtis Anderson received his bachelor’s degree at Texas A&M (Commerce) and after graduating, he began his journey into ministry. In 2001 Curtis was ordained as a preacher, and then began an extensive career working in urban communities. His roles have included being manager of a recreation center for the city of Dallas, a residential officer for Dallas Juvenile department, life skill coach for the Dallas County Youth Village, community liaison for Dallas Independent School District. His passion for the urban community led him to the non-profit sector where he most recently served at Bonton Farms, cultivating cultural integration. Curtis and his wife, Tarsha, have four wonderful children, Langston, Leah, Londyn, and Malcolm.


Episode 37: Living a Faith Driven Life with Henry Kaestner

Episode 37: Living a Faith Driven Life with Henry Kaestner

Crown Stewardship Podcast

Episode 37: Living a Faith Driven Life with Henry Kaestner

About this episode:
This week on the Crown Stewardship Podcast, we welcome Henry Kaestner, with Faith Driven Entrepreneur and Faith Driven Investor. Henry shares the origin story of his organization and how God has transformed all aspects of his life - career, family, and health. You’ll also hear about Henry’s near-death experience and how God used it as a way to share his faith. You won’t want to miss this edifying episode!

Podcast Highlights:

  • As someone who was already naturally inclined for business, Henry learned how putting God at the center of it all changed everything.
  • You’ll hear about Henry’s near death experience that he uses to share how his peace comes from the Lord.
  • Henry shares some words of wisdom about pursuing success in both business and family - and the root of both is his faith.

Our Guest

Henry Kaestner co-founded the Faith Driven Entrepreneur and Faith Driven Investor ministries, and has been a catalyst behind both movements. He and his team seek to serve faith driven investors, funds, partners, advisors, and entrepreneurs through content and community. Henry has been involved in a number of other ministries and philanthropic activities. He co-founded DurhamCares, was a founding Board Member of Praxis, and sits on a variety of business and ministry boards including Valley Christian Schools where his 3 boys attend.


Episode 36: Finding Relief in Overwhelming Debt with Neile Simon

Episode 36: Finding Relief in Overwhelming Debt with Neile Simon

Crown Stewardship Podcast

Episode 36: Finding Relief in Overwhelming Debt with Neile Simon

About this episode:
This week on the Crown Stewardship Podcast, we welcome Neile Simon, with Christian Credit Counselors. Neile and the team at CCC help people with debt management, avoid bankruptcy, debt settlement scams, and quick fixes that ruin credit. While most people feel uneasy when talking about debt, Neile exudes joy because of her passion for helping people find relief though CCC’s debt management program. Neile talks about how the current economy has impacted many people in the way they are paying off or taking on debt. If you have felt overwhelmed by debt, you’ll feel encouraged and hopeful by listening to this episode.

Podcast Highlights:

  • You’ll hear how Covid has impacted the way people spend money and view debt.
  • Debt Settlement programs vs. Debt Management Programs - What are the differences and which one is Biblical?
  • Neile shares several strategies on how to tackle debt if you’re feeling overwhelmed.

Our Guest

Neile joined Christian Credit Counselors (CCC) in 2013 and has built partnerships focused on helping people achieve financial freedom and a better way of life.  Neile’s passion lies in helping and serving others by creating community through collaboration, connection, and impact. Established in 1990, Christian Credit Counselors has helped over 300,000 Americans get out of debt and begin to enjoy the benefits of financial freedom. We are located in San Diego, California and are licensed and bonded in 36 states across the nation.


Episode 35: Giving Outside the Box with Dale Losch

Episode 35: Giving Outside the Box

with Dale Losch

Crown Stewardship Podcast

Episode 35: Giving Outside the Box with Dale Losch

About this episode:
This week on the Crown Stewardship Podcast, we welcome Dale Losch, President of Crossworld and author of Giving Outside the Box. If you have ever cringed the moment a pastor started talking about tithing, don’t worry - Dale’s approach to giving is grace-based and joy-filled. You’ll be inspired as you hear stories of God’s faithfulness as Dale’s family has made giving a lifestyle, and what it looks like to make it a priority to store treasures in Heaven. The world tells us we can never have enough money, but listening to Dale will encourage and inspire you to trust God more, by giving more.

Podcast Highlights:

  • Dale tells how being raised in a home where giving was a priority shaped the way he lives. 
  • For each year of marriage, Dale and his wife decided to give more and more to God, and each year they have seen God’s providence. Dale tells stories of how he has seen real examples of God’s provision, trusting God to meet their needs, both big and small. 
  • There is a wrong place to accumulate wealth, He wants us to “lay up for ourselves treasures in Heaven.” What does it look like when we use money the way God intends? And what do eternal treasures actually look like?

Our Guest

Dale Losch serves as president of Crossworld, a missions organization whose goal is to send disciple-makers from all professions, to launch disciple-making communities in the world’s least-reached marketplaces. Dale draws on his formal education, his decades of pastoral and cross-cultural ministry, and his real-life experience as a husband, father, and friend. Dale is the author of A Better Way: Make Disciples Wherever Life Happens, and Giving Outside the Box. One of the things Dale enjoys most in life, besides spending time with his wife, his kids, and their twelve (and counting) grandchildren, is sharing biblical truth with everyday relevance so that people can discover life as it is meant to be.


Episode 34: Life Lessons from a Good and Faithful Servant with John Clemens

Episode 34: Life Lessons from a Good and Faithful Servant with John Clemens

Crown Stewardship Podcast

Episode 34: Life Lessons from a Good and Faithful Servant with John Clemens

About this episode:
This week on the Crown Stewardship Podcast, we welcome John Clemens. John has been in the radio industry for over 50 years, which is how he and Chuck originally met and became friends. John tells Chuck why he became involved in the Christian radio industry and how he views his work as service to the Lord. John also opens up and tells us about his pancreatic cancer, but how he still wakes up each day with joy to serve God. This episode is sure to encourage you as you listen to two close friends share learned life-lessons and eternal truths. This podcast that begins with talking about radio and baseball, will end with you reaching for the tissues. Don’t say we didn’t warn you!

Podcast Highlights:

  • How radio and broadcasting has changed over the course of John’s 53 year long career. He also gives advice for those who desire to work in the broadcasting industry.
  • You’ll hear a story about how John handled a financial issue when he wasn’t paid by one of his clients - and why viewing his work as service to the Lord changes everything.
  • John has terminal pancreatic cancer, but he continues each day working for the Lord, and does so with joy. This will leave you feeling inspired to finish well in your own life, lived in service to God’s Kingdom.

Our Guest

John Clemens works as the Christian News Editor for the USA Radio Network, where he covers stories of the day that are important to Christian radio listeners. He also produces Audio Releases with his wife Diana Kay that air on about 80-110 stations. He has been involved in broadcasting for the last 50 years, working in TV, radio, and sports announcing. For the past 15 years, he has also worked part-time with the Frisco RoughRiders.