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Episode 33: Lower Expenses & Increased Faithfulness with Elias Janetis

Episode 33: Lower Expenses & Increased Faithfulness with Elias Janetis

Crown Stewardship Podcast

Episode 33: Lower Expenses & Increased Faithfulness with Elias Janetis

About this episode:
This week on the Crown Stewardship Podcast, we welcome Elias Janetis, founder of Squeeze. After founding and building a very successful healthcare technology company, he is now focused on helping consumers squeeze the most out of their paychecks by launching the company, aptly named Squeeze. You’ll hear the inspiring origin story of the company by first seeking God’s instruction and leading. Not only is Squeeze’s service a helpful tool to use in your stewardship journey, but Elias’s story will encourage you as you seek God’s guidance in every step of your life.

Podcast Highlights:

  • With bills continuously going up, it can feel like a full time job trying to be a good steward and not overspend or be wasteful. Squeeze aims to help you to save money to create more margin in your budget.
  • Why Elias believes the Golden Rule is also good for business.
  • When God calls you to something, He provides the means to accomplish your calling. You’ll hear Elias tell stories of God’s guidance and provision throughout his business decisions.

Our Guest

Elias Janetis is the founder of fin tech startup Squeeze. Elias is an Entrepreneur, investor, creative, & risk-taker. Elias is a serial entrepreneur with multiple successful startups. His newest company, Squeeze, saves consumers money on their recurring monthly bills by automatically identifying more inexpensive options that meet consumers' same needs from loans, insurance, credit cards, home services and more.


Episode 32: Say No to College Debt with Russ Stevens

Episode 32: Say No to College Debt with Russ Stevens

Crown Stewardship Podcast

Episode 32: Say No to College Debt with Russ Stevens

About this episode:
This week on the Crown Stewardship Podcast, we welcome Russ Stevens, author of “Say No! To College Debt”. Russ encourages people to go to college without acquiring debt by using Biblical principles. Russ and Chuck Bentley discuss how to measure success, ways of funding education that don’t involve loans, and what you can do if you have already taken on student debt. If you think it is impossible to graduate from college without debt, this episode will encourage and surprise you!

Podcast Highlights:

  • You’ll hear some of the lessons Larry Burkett directly taught Russ regarding decisions surrounding money and college.
  • Three biggest mistakes parents and students make when preparing for college.
  • Practical ways to avoid student loan debt, and what to do if you already have it.

Our Guest

Russ’s work history includes 10 years as a contemporary gospel musician, running a music and recording company, “real” jobs in industry, government, non-profit ministry, and as a support-raising staff member of Crown Financial Ministries. Russ also taught seminars, did speaking engagements, and led small groups that include these principles. Putting these principles into writing was a joy for him. He loves to see people’s lives changed, and these principles can do that.


Episode 31: Disciple Making of Generous People with Patrick Johnson

Episode 31: Disciple Making of Generous People with Patrick Johnson

Crown Stewardship Podcast

Episode 31: Disciple Making of Generous People with Patrick Johnson

About this episode:
This week on the Crown Stewardship Podcast, we welcome Patrick Johnson, founder of GenerousChurch. Chuck and Patrick discuss the topic they both have made their personal calling and professional mission: Generosity! Patrick works to help churches develop a culture of generosity, all around the world. Patrick will encourage you to change the way you view generosity - from an act of giving, to a way of living. This episode will leave you feeling encouraged, inspired and excited to grow closer to God by becoming joyfully generous.

Podcast Highlights:

  • How do we live in a western culture with affluence and live well following Jesus?
  • The national average gives 2% of their income. What would the world look like if people were even slightly more generous?
  • Abundance vs. Scarcity mindsets and how they affect how we give.
  • Patrick explains the 8 principles that help church leaders create generous disciples.

Our Guest

Patrick is the founder of GenerousChurch and has a passion to see a revolution of whole-life generosity flourish in churches and ministries. Over the last 15 years, he’s partnered with Leadership Network, the Wesleyan Denomination, Converge and other church networks to equip leaders to unleash generous disciples. Leveraging the power of Scripture and story, the products and experiences that he’s created have been used by over 2,000 churches to transform the hearts and minds of Jesus-followers toward generosity as a way of living versus an act of giving.


Episode 30: Preparing for Inflation with David McAlvany

Episode 30: Preparing for Inflation with David McAlvany

Crown Stewardship Podcast

Episode 30: Preparing for Inflation with David McAlvany

About this episode:
This week on the Crown Stewardship Podcast, we welcome David McAlvany to discuss a topic that is elusive to so many of us: Inflation. David is able to take this complicated subject and explain it in a way that will leave you feeling more confident in your own understanding. Chuck and David discuss current economic issues and their predictions for what lies ahead. But don’t worry, you’ll leave with encouragement about the future and how to prepare your finances and mind for whatever may come, knowing that God’s economy is eternal.

Podcast Highlights:

  • We began to change the definition of money. You’ll hear how this change impacts inflation and the economy. 
  • Cryptocurrency is not “real money”... so what is it?
  • Is inflation here to stay or is this transitory inflation?
  • Is hyperinflation coming?
  • You’ll learn what historically happens when there is a lack of confidence in a currency. Inflation is a government policy that behaves like a “stealth tax”. Why this turns traditional economics upside-down.

Our Guests

David McAlvany is a featured speaker on national television programs including CNBC, Fox News, Fox Business News, and Bloomberg; on radio programs; and at financial seminars around the world. He addresses issues of family legacy, economic markets and their impact on the global economy.


Episode 29: The Ministry and Impact of Financial Coaching with David & Marilyn Butler

Episode 29: The Ministry and Impact of Financial Coaching

Crown Stewardship Podcast

Episode 29: The Ministry and Impact of Financial Coaching with David and Marilyn Butler

About this episode:
This week on the Crown Stewardship Podcast, we welcome Crown Budget Coaches, David and Marilyn Butler. They have been serving in ministry together for over 30 years, which initially began out of financial hardship in their own lives. While the Butlers were going through a difficult financial situation, they were introduced to God’s stewardship principles through a book written by Larry Burkett. David tells us, “I’d been looking in all the wrong places for answers. Scripture and the Bible is where the real truth is going to be found. Rather than all the financial information of the day that I had followed carefully and well, only to prove how disastrous it could be.” Through it all, they learned that God was preparing them for the ministry of Budget Coaching. As Budget Coaches, David and Marilyn have helped hundreds of families and individuals - locally, nationally and internationally - to become faithful stewards.

Podcast Highlights:

  • David and Marilyn tell us the first steps they teach all their clients and common problems people struggle with (and what these problems typically stem from).
  • How has COVID-19 affected people’s finances? Are government stimulus checks relieving a burden or simply delaying inevitable pain?
  • You’ll hear why the only way to lasting change is through a heart change, not a habit change.
  • The ultimate goal of Budget Coaches is lifting the financial burden, which equips their client to better serve God. David and Marilyn share some of their favorite success stories and encouraging memories.

Our Guests

David and Marilyn Butler are Crown Budget Coaches. After their own financial hardships that led them to the brink of bankruptcy, they were trained by Christian Financial Concepts (now Crown), led by Larry Burkett, as Teachers and National Referral Counselors in 1986. They have organized and led Financial Stewardship Ministry teams in all three churches to provide training, teaching and counseling individuals and couples in the area of stewardship and financial decision-making based on God’s Word.


Episode 28: Biblical Thoughts on Taxes, Money & Culture with Dr. Jim Denison

Episode 28: Biblical Thoughts on Taxes, Money & Culture with Dr. Jim Denison

Crown Stewardship Podcast

Episode 28: Biblical Thoughts on Taxes, Money & Culture with Dr. Jim Denison

About this episode:
This week on the Crown Stewardship Podcast, we welcome Dr. Jim Denison of Denison Forum for a captivating discussion on how to respond biblically and redemptively to the vital issues of our day. As Christians, our world view is focused on eternity and based on the unchanging principles in the Bible - but the culture we live in seems to change moment by moment. This fast paced episode is packed with encouragement and practical advice on how to respond and engage with the world in which we live, including money, taxes and loving our neighbor.

Podcast Highlights:

  • Chuck Bentley and Dr. Jim Denison discuss cultural issues around finances and what the Bible has to say about money.
  • Mark 12:17 reads, “Jesus said to them, ‘Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.’” How do we apply this verse to our lives and money in today’s world.
  • Our postmodern world tells us that truth is relative and the Bible tells us to speak the truth in love. How do Christians navigate cultural changes and what is our role as we live in this world?
  • Christianity as a transactional religion vs. transformational relationship

Our Guest

Dr. Jim Denison is the co-founder and Chief Vision Officer of the Denison Forum, a Dallas-based nonprofit that comments on current issues through a biblical lens. Every weekday morning, his Daily Article email newsletter reaches more than 240,000 readers, and The Daily Article podcast is downloaded more than 80,000 times each month. Dr. Denison’s social media following has a reach of 2.1 million, with over 400,000 Facebook followers. Dr. Denison is a widely sought speaker, podcaster, and subject-matter expert on radio about cultural issues from a biblical perspective.


Episode 27: The Promises of God

Episode 27: 

The Promises of God

Crown Stewardship Podcast

Episode 27: The Promises of God

About this episode:
This week on the Crown Stewardship Podcast, Crown team members Ryan Paul and Katie Logan will bring you some much needed encouragement by discussing the promises of God. After what has been difficult last year for so many of us, these promises are even more meaningful. In this episode we share helpful practices and Biblical truths to help you walk through the next year with renewed faith. Ultimately, when you are rooted in God’s promises, no matter what circumstances you may be facing, you will stand strong in your faith.

Podcast Highlights:

  • Following Biblical principles does not guarantee our desired outcomes - how trusting in God’s timeline and His plan will help us better accept when things don’t go according to our plans.
  • Ebenezers in the Bible were reminders of what God has done for us. You’ll hear some practical ways to be reminded of God’s faithfulness in everyday life.
  • There are 7,000 promises from God in the Bible. Some promises are conditional and some unconditional - we break them down to help us understand our role and God’s role.


Episode 26: Spiritual Spring Cleaning for Your Mind & Your Money

Episode 26: 

Spiritual Spring Cleaning for Your Mind & Your Money

Crown Stewardship Podcast

Episode 26: Spiritual Spring Cleaning for Your Mind & Your Money

About this episode:
This week on the Crown Stewardship Podcast, Handre De Jongh and Calvin Dillinger talk about Spring Cleaning for your finances. It’s that time of year, when people get the urge to clean out unused and unwanted things from their home. But as we are going through the unused items from our homes, we want to take it a step further by doing a “Spiritual Inventory” and shifting the way we view these possessions in light of our role as stewards.

Podcast Highlights:

  • What does a $40 billion dollar storage industry say about our hearts? Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
  • How to do a “Spiritual Inventory”
  • Minimalism, Materialism and Hoarding - As Christians, we don’t view our identity through our possessions. 
  • You’ll hear the biblical way to view possessions. The difference between Needs, Wants and Desires.
  • Some practical tips for the “Spring Cleaning” of your things

About our Guest:
Handre de Jongh graduated from Global University, Missouri in 1995 with a BA degree in Theology and obtained a BA Honors (Cum Laude) degree in Psychology from the University of Stellenbosch in 1997. During the time Handre served in various positions ranging from a pastor, psychological and school counselor and finally school principal, he became involved with Crown Financial Ministries on a part time basis as a Career Direct® counselor in 2002 and joined Crown full time in July 2005. In July 2006 Handre became the National Director of Crown Financial Ministries South Africa. His passion for building potential in individuals and teams has been supported by his effort in helping more than 1,300 individuals and numerous teams to find their purpose and alignment in life, studies and operations. Handre also hosted “Your money counts” on Radio Tygerberg in Cape Town, South Africa from 2007 to 2012 with listenership of 500,000. In July 2012, Handre joined the Crown Home Office team in a Director role where he oversaw the US field team, served as the International liaison between Crown Home Office and the Ministry Expansion Officers in the globe until he was promoted to the role of Vice President of Global Outreach. Handre has been married to Marelise since 1996 and they have three children. They reside in Knoxville, Tennessee.


Episode 25: Neile Simon – The Do’s and Don’ts for Creating Margin in Your Finances

Episode 25: 

Neile Simon (The Do's and Dont's for Creating Margin in Your Finances)

Crown Stewardship Podcast

Episode 25: Neile Simon - (The Do’s and Don'ts for Creating Margin in Your Finances) 

About this episode:
This week on the Crown Stewardship Podcast, we welcome Neile Simon, with Christian Credit Counselors. Neile and the team at CCC help people with debt management, avoid bankruptcy, debt settlement scams, and quick fixes that ruin credit. In this episode you’ll hear how to create margin in your finances - and some ways to avoid. With so many options for creating margin, it can be difficult to discern which will be a permanent solution, and which will be a “band-aid” fix for the real problem. If you have considered refinancing your home, taking money out of your 401k, transferring debt, or debt consolidation to create margin in your finances - we weigh the pros and cons of each of these possibilities.

About our Guest:
Neile joined Christian Credit Counselors in 2013 and has built partnerships focused on helping people achieve financial freedom and a better way of life. Neile’s passion lies in helping and serving others by creating community through collaboration, connection, and impact. 

Established in 1990, Christian Credit Counselors has helped over 300,000 Americans get out of debt and begin to enjoy the benefits of financial freedom. We are located in San Diego, California and are licensed and bonded in 36 states across the nation.


Episode 24: Creating a Spending Plan (for People Who Hate Budgets)

Episode 24: Handre de Jongh - (Creating a Spending Plan - for People Who Hate Budgets)

Crown Stewardship Podcast

Handre de Jongh - Creating a Spending Plan (for People Who Hate Budgets)

About this episode:
This week on the Crown Stewardship PodcastHandre De Jongh shares how to create a spending plan - coming from someone who hates the word “budget”! You’ll hear how developing a plan transformed Handre’s family’s personal finances - from being stuck to making real financial progress. This episode will give you practical steps to create your own spending plan, and give hope to those that dread this process!

Podcast Highlights:

  • The first step to creating your own budget - and where to go from there. 
  • What if you didn’t stick to your budget? How adjusting and reevaluating every month will create a new habit. 
  • Handre and his wife were not accumulating debt, but they weren’t moving forward either. You’ll hear how creating a budget was the catalyst to seeing real progress in their personal finances

About our Guest:
Handre de Jongh graduated from Global University, Missouri in 1995 with a BA degree in Theology and obtained a BA Honors (Cum Laude) degree in Psychology from the University of Stellenbosch in 1997. During the time Handre served in various positions ranging from a pastor, psychological and school counselor and finally school principal, he became involved with Crown Financial Ministries on a part time basis as a Career Direct® counselor in 2002 and joined Crown full time in July 2005. In July 2006 Handre became the National Director of Crown Financial Ministries South Africa. His passion for building potential in individuals and teams has been supported by his effort in helping more than 1,300 individuals and numerous teams to find their purpose and alignment in life, studies and operations. Handre also hosted “Your money counts” on Radio Tygerberg in Cape Town, South Africa from 2007 to 2012 with listenership of 500,000. In July 2012, Handre joined the Crown Home Office team in a Director role where he oversaw the US field team, served as the International liaison between Crown Home Office and the Ministry Expansion Officers in the globe until he was promoted to the role of Vice President of Global Outreach. Handre has been married to Marelise since 1996 and they have three children. They reside in Knoxville, Tennessee.