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Episode 23: Investing with Wisdom in Turbulent Times

Episode 23: 

Chuck Bentley - (Investing with Wisdom in Turbulent Times)

Crown Stewardship Podcast

Chuck Bentley - Investing with Wisdom in Turbulent Times

About this episode:
This week on the Crown Stewardship Podcast, Chuck Bentley talks to Calvin Dillinger about investing and how to be a wise steward in turbulent times. You’ll hear what needs to be done prior to becoming an investor, and how to use Biblical principles to guide your investing decisions. Chuck shares his thoughts on where our economy is headed and how to make sense of current market trends. Chuck answers a wide variety of questions you may have on the stock market, real estate, a coming recession, cryptocurrency and more. 

Podcast Highlights:

  • Bitcoin vs. Gold: How they are similar, yet vastly different.
  • Do government bailouts help or hurt the economy? Is there a recession in our future
  • You’ll learn about “The Beauty Contest Theory” for investing.

About our Guest:
As our CEO, Chuck Bentley has a relentless passion to travel the globe teaching biblical financial principles to stewards from all walks of life including the affluent, middle class, poor, and ultra poor. He is the author of five books, with his most recent book being Money Problems, Marriage Solutions. He is also the executive producer of the God Provides™ film series, starring Dean Jones. The films are now used throughout the world in 30 languages with the potential to reach 2 billion oral and visual learners.

In addition, Chuck writes and produces a daily radio broadcast heard on over 1,200 outlets in the USA. As the Founder and Executive Director of the Christian Economic Forum, Chuck also focuses on advancing God’s economic principles through this annual gathering of select marketplace leaders dedicated to improving the world through the advancement of ideas that work. He also serves on the board of Foundations for Farming, an initiative aimed at bringing transformation to individuals, communities, and nations through sustainable agriculture and faithful stewardship of the land.

Chuck and his wife, Ann, both graduates of Baylor University, have been married since 1978. They can be found reading and spending time outdoors with their family at their home in Knoxville, Tennessee when they are not traveling the world together to advance Crown’s mission. They have four adult sons, two daughters-in-law, and five grandchildren.


Episode 22: Using God’s Principles to Eliminate Debt

Episode 22: 

Handre de Jongh - (Using God's Principles to Eliminate Debt)

Crown Stewardship Podcast

Handre de Jongh - Using God's Principles to Eliminate Debt

About this episode:
This week on the Crown Stewardship Podcast, you’ll hear about a subject that is painful but relevant to so many: DEBT. Handre De Jongh discusses not only his personal struggles and triumphs in dealing with debt, but also practical tips and applicable strategies in working through any debt you may have. You will also learn that behind our debt, there often lies an even greater problem - and it has nothing to do with money. Whether you are overwhelmed by debt, or feel you have a good handle on your finances, this episode will encourage you in your journey as a faithful steward.

Podcast Highlights:

  • Handre works for Crown, yet still struggled with debt! You’ll hear the difference knowing the principles of stewardship vs. applying the principles of stewardship made in Handre’s life.
  • Different debt elimination strategies such as the debt snowball method and the avalanche method.
  • How debt impedes us from following God’s leading.

About our Guest:
Handre de Jongh graduated from Global University, Missouri in 1995 with a BA degree in Theology and obtained a BA Honors (Cum Laude) degree in Psychology from the University of Stellenbosch in 1997. During the time Handre served in various positions ranging from a pastor, psychological and school counselor and finally school principal, he became involved with Crown Financial Ministries on a part time basis as a Career Direct® counselor in 2002 and joined Crown full time in July 2005. In July 2006 Handre became the National Director of Crown Financial Ministries South Africa. His passion for building potential in individuals and teams has been supported by his effort in helping more than 1,300 individuals and numerous teams to find their purpose and alignment in life, studies and operations. Handre also hosted “Your money counts” on Radio Tygerberg in Cape Town, South Africa from 2007 to 2012 with listenership of 500,000. In July 2012, Handre joined the Crown Home Office team in a Director role where he oversaw the US field team, served as the International liaison between Crown Home Office and the Ministry Expansion Officers in the globe until he was promoted to the role of Vice President of Global Outreach. Handre has been married to Marelise since 1996 and they have three children. They reside in Knoxville, Tennessee.


Episode 21: Start with Generosity

Episode 21: 

Chuck Bentley - (Start with Generosity)

Crown Stewardship Podcast

Chuck Bentley - Start with Generosity

About this episode:
This week on the Crown Stewardship Podcast, Chuck Bentley and Katie Logan discuss Destination 1 of Crown’s Money Map, and why it is so important to start with generosity. Chuck talks about the origins of the Crown Money map, his and Ann’s journey of giving 2.6% of their income to where they are today, and why regardless of what step you may be on -  giving is a key way we can demonstrate our trust in Him.

Podcast Highlights:

  • The Crown Money map starts with generosity - why it is important to address giving before anything else.
  • Is giving even possible if you are struggling financially?
  • What the Bible says about tithing: giving is an act of worship. Practical tips to start implementing generosity in your life.
  • Christians generous response and responsibility in the uncertainty of today's world.

About our Guest:
As our CEO, Chuck Bentley has a relentless passion to travel the globe teaching biblical financial principles to stewards from all walks of life including the affluent, middle class, poor, and ultra poor. He is the author of five books, with his most recent book being Money Problems, Marriage Solutions. He is also the executive producer of the God Provides™ film series, starring Dean Jones. The films are now used throughout the world in 30 languages with the potential to reach 2 billion oral and visual learners. In addition, Chuck writes and produces a daily radio broadcast heard on over 1,200 outlets in the USA.

As the Founder and Executive Director of the Christian Economic Forum, Chuck also focuses on advancing God’s economic principles through this annual gathering of select marketplace leaders dedicated to improving the world through the advancement of ideas that work. He also serves on the board of Foundations for Farming, an initiative aimed at bringing transformation to individuals, communities, and nations through sustainable agriculture and faithful stewardship of the land. Chuck and his wife, Ann, both graduates of Baylor University, have been married since 1978. They can be found reading and spending time outdoors with their family at their home in Knoxville, Tennessee when they are not traveling the world together to advance Crown’s mission. They have four adult sons, two daughters-in-law, and five grandchildren.


Episode 20: God’s Part & Our Part

Episode 20: 

Handre de Jongh - (God's Part & Our Part)

Crown Stewardship Podcast

Handre de Jongh - God's Part & Our Part

About this episode:
This week on the Crown Stewardship Podcast, we cover one of Crown’s foundational principles of stewardship: God’s Part and Our Part. Handre De Jongh and Ryan Paul discuss how to transfer our mind-set from what we believe belongs to us, to knowing it all belongs to God.  When we are able to transform our view of money - it relieves a tremendous burden from us, knowing God is in control and He is our provider.

Podcast Highlights:

  • God’s role and our role in our finances - Handre breaks each role down, and thankfully, God has the biggest part! Abundance vs. scarcity mentality
  • Abundance vs. scarcity mentality
  • The Bible references money hundreds of times because money is a huge competitor for our heart. You’ll understand more about why God is so careful to warn us about money becoming an idol.
  • Choosing to surrender our trust to God is a daily spiritual battle, you’ll hear tips on how to combat these obstacles.

About our Guest:
Handre de Jongh graduated from Global University, Missouri in 1995 with a BA degree in Theology and obtained a BA Honors (Cum Laude) degree in Psychology from the University of Stellenbosch in 1997. During the time Handre served in various positions ranging from a pastor, psychological and school counselor and finally school principal, he became involved with Crown Financial Ministries on a part time basis as a Career Direct® counselor in 2002 and joined Crown full time in July 2005. In July 2006 Handre became the National Director of Crown Financial Ministries South Africa. His passion for building potential in individuals and teams has been supported by his effort in helping more than 1,300 individuals and numerous teams to find their purpose and alignment in life, studies and operations. Handre also hosted “Your money counts” on Radio Tygerberg in Cape Town, South Africa from 2007 to 2012 with listenership of 500,000. In July 2012, Handre joined the Crown Home Office team in a Director role where he oversaw the US field team, served as the International liaison between Crown Home Office and the Ministry Expansion Officers in the globe until he was promoted to the role of Vice President of Global Outreach. Handre has been married to Marelise since 1996 and they have three children. They reside in Knoxville, Tennessee.


Episode 19: The Makers Versus the Takers with Jerry Bowyer

Episode 19: 

Jerry Bowyer - (The Makers Versus the Takers)

Crown Stewardship Podcast

Jerry Bowyer - The Maker Versus the Takers

About this episode:
This week on the Crown Stewardship Podcast, we continue our series on macro-economic trends called Gray Swans, with special guest Jerry Bowyer. In this episode, Chuck Bentley and Jerry Bowyer discuss the ideas presented in Jerry’s new book, The Maker Versus the Takers: What Jesus Really Said About Social Justice and Economics. specifically focusing on socialism. Jerry takes a deep dive into scripture and 1st century history to examine what Jesus’s economy looks like. Examining the gospels in light of archeology and history gives us a very different picture than the one you may have been told regarding what Jesus taught about work and money. 

Podcast Highlights:

  • Was Jesus a socialist? Jerry and Chuck discuss this spreading theory. 
  • Socialism and charity are often used interchangeably, but you’ll hear why they are two vastly different concepts and attitudes, and produce contrasting results.
  • Jerry talks about his conversion from being an Atheist who supported socialism, to becoming a Christian and supporting Capitalism - and how these are connected.
  • Jerry and Chuck explain how economics and the crucifixion of Jesus are enmeshed.

About our Guest:
Jerry Bowyer is the Chief Economist of Vident Financial, Editor of Townhall Finance, President of Bowyer Research, and author of The Maker Versus the Takers: What Jesus Really Said About Social Justice and Economics. He is also Resident Economist with Kingdom Advisors and serves on the Editorial Board of Salem Communications. He has been columnist and a frequent commentator on Fox Business News, Fox News, and CNBC. He has been a contributing editor of National Review Online, The New York Sun and Townhall Magazine, and he has written for the Wall Street Journal and for numerous other publications. Jerry lives in Pennsylvania with his wife, Susan, and the youngest three of his seven children. 


Episode 18: Digital Currency and Fragile Networks with David McAlvany

Episode 18: 

David McAlvany - (Digital Currency & Fragile Networks)

Crown Stewardship Podcast

David McAlvany - Digital Currency & Fragile Networks

About this episode:
This week on the Crown Stewardship Podcast, we move into part 2 of our  mini-series on macro-economic trends called Gray Swans, with special guest David McAlvany. In this episode, Chuck Bentley and David McAlvany discuss Digital Currency and Fragile Networks, and the possible effects these trends have on our economy. David shares his knowledge on devaluation, cryptocurrency, predictions for the economy under a Biden administration, and what the individual can do to prepare for these changing systems.

Podcast Highlights:

  • Cryptocurrency vs. gold: the similarities and how they are vastly different.
  • You’ll hear why a cashless society is a threat to freedom - but is it inevitable?
  • The network we currently have is fragile, David shares advice on how we can prepare for the next disruption.

About our Guest:
David is CEO of the McAlvany Financial Companies – International Collectors Associates, Vaulted, McAlvany Wealth Management and The Tactical Short. He is a featured speaker on national television programs including CNBC, Fox News, Fox Business News, and Bloomberg; on radio programs; and at financial seminars around the world, analyzing major events and their impact on the global economy and financial markets. He can be heard weekly on his market commentary with world leaders, bankers, economists, and renowned investors. His interests are varied, but he has a keen passion for cycling and mountaineering. He spends his free time with his wife and their children skiing, hiking, and enjoying the mountains of Colorado.


Episode 17: Trends That Threaten Our Financial Future

Episode 17: 

Chuck Bentley - (Trends That Threaten Our Financial Future)

Crown Stewardship Podcast

 Chuck Bentley - Trends That Threaten Our Financial Future

About this episode:
This week on the Crown Stewardship Podcast, we kick-off the first episode in our new mini-series on macro-economic trends called Gray Swans. Chuck Bentley examines this idea in his upcoming book, 7 Gray Swans: Trends that Threaten Our Financial Future. The term Gray Swan is used to describe a potentially very significant event, which if were to occur, could make a huge impact to the world, economy, and stock market. In this episode, Chuck talks about three of the Gray Swans he has identified: Modern Monetary Theory, Universal Basic Income and American Democratic Socialism.

Podcast Highlights:

  • Is Modern Monetary Theory a sustainable economic system? Chuck explains how when the confidence of a currency collapses, so does the value.
  • Universal Basic Income may sound like a compassionate solution, but you’ll hear the case that the government should not take the place of a Christian’s role toward charity.
  • American Democratic Socialism is a worldview - you’ll learn how it compares to a Biblical worldview.

About our Guest:
Chuck Bentley serves as CEO of Crown Financial Ministries and is the Founder and Executive Director of the Christian Economic Forum. Chuck has authored several books on biblical finance, marriage, and family and travels the globe teaching with a relentless passion biblical financial principles to stewards from all walks of life including the affluent, middle class, poor, and ultra poor. He and his wife Ann are both graduates of Baylor University. They have four adult sons, two daughters-in-law, and five grandchildren and live in Knoxville, Tennessee, USA.


Episode 16: Tim Eaton – From Jungle Missionary Pilot to Kingdom Entrepreneur

Episode 16: 

Tim Eaton - (From Jungle Missionary Pilot to Kingdom Entrepreneur)

Crown Stewardship Podcast

Tim Eaton - From Jungle Missionary Pilot to Kingdom Entrepreneur

About this episode:
This week on the Crown Stewardship Podcast, we welcome Tim Eaton, Founder and CEO of NutraMedix and volunteer pilot for Kings Wings in Jupiter, Florida. Most entrepreneurs can’t imagine giving 50% of their profits to support missions, but that is exactly what Tim and his wife, Bertha, have done from day one. Tim shares his story of being a missionary pilot in the jungle of Peru to starting a successful company, all for the glory of God.

Podcast Highlights:

  • Tim shares the story of his business’ beginnings - from being a missionary pilot, to meeting his wife, and how they believed they could further advance God’s Kingdom by using their business and their gifts of generosity.
  • You’ll hear why he believes he can do more good around the world, by running a business, and trusting locals to communicate the gospel in their own communities.
  • Tim shares how other businesses can start day one by giving 50% of their profits away. You’ll hear about how Tim views all he earns belongs to God, and how that guides his business.

About our Guest:
Tim Eaton and his wife, Bertha, are the founders of NutraMedix. From the time Tim was a child, he wanted to fly. In his twenties, he volunteered for a missionary aviation group, serving the countries of Haiti, the Dominican Republic, and the Bahamas. In the early 1990s, the Eatons moved to Florida, with simple business model that it would be God’s company and they would be its stewards. In the beginning, NutraMedix developed and offered healing remedies from Peru to the U.S. public, and then utilized the profits to fund projects that addressed the physical and spiritual needs of the Peruvian people. Today NutraMedix offers over 40 remedies and funds projects on six continents. Globally, a minimum of 50% of their profits are given back to the physical and spiritual needs of people around the world.


Episode 15: Mark Biller – Inside Out Investing

Episode 15: 

Mark Biller (Inside Out Investing)

Crown Stewardship Podcast

Episode 15: Mark Biller (Inside Out Investing)

About this episode:
This week on the Crown Stewardship Podcast, we welcome Mark Biller, Executive Editor at Sound Mind Investing. In this episode Mark discusses:

  • How to get started as a first-time investor and explains the four basic kinds of risk: Inflation Risk, Longevity Risk, Market Risk, and Emotional Risk. 
  • How the markets have responded to Covid-19.
  • If we should change our financial strategy based on who wins the election and some predictions regarding the future of the US economy. 
  • The difference between and Inside-Out Investor and an Outside-In Investor

About our Guest:
Mark Biller has been on staff at Sound Mind Investing (SMI) since 2000. He leads SMI newsletter’s overall content strategy, managing the editorial direction and writing many articles. He led the company’s efforts to create its first website, helped develop several of SMI’s investment strategies, and has been a contributing author to the Sound Mind Investing Handbook. Mark helped design and launch the three Sound Mind Investing mutual funds and has served as the Senior Portfolio Manager since the original SMI Fund was launched in 2005. He also serves as Senior Portfolio Manager to SMI Advisory Service’s Private Client managed account program.


Episode 14: Brian Peterson – Stewarding Talents to Love Your Neighbor

Episode 14: 

Brian Peterson (Stewarding Talents to Love Your Neighbor)

Crown Stewardship Podcast

Episode 14: Brian Peterson - (Stewarding Talents to Love Your Neighbor) 

About this episode:
Episode 14: We are excited to share the story of Brian Peterson on today’s podcast. Brian shares with us how God opened his eyes to the possibilities of loving and serving the needy and homeless near his home in California. He recently took a leap of faith, leaving a successful career in automotive design, to scale a solution to serve the poor and needy in cities throughout the US and around the globe.

About our Guest:
Brian Peterson, founder of Faces of Santa Ana, is an artist from Miami, Florida currently living in Santa Ana, CA. Faces of Santa Ana sets out to befriend and paint portraits of the homeless community in Santa Ana, CA. They then sell the artwork and use proceeds to help in rehabilitating their newfound friends. The mission of Faces of Santa Ana is to locally help those in need in cities around the world while also inspiring and activating creatives and supporters of the movement. They believe that the creativity they’ve been given is meant for the outward pouring of love.